Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Nora 's virtual command , reinforced by her petulant departure , had no bearing — except that she had taken all the pleasure out of it for him .
32 Except that she 's got to clock in in five minutes time .
33 Van Gelder had n't made any mistakes about her , Talbot thought , except that he 'd missed out on the wide green eyes and a rather bewitching smile .
34 The glance had told her nothing except that he had retreated into himself again .
35 Questioned , Barron had refused to talk to anyone junior to Wickham and even when Wickham went to his hotel he had little to say except that he had met MacQuillan on private business , that it had nothing to do with the murder and was of no interest to the police .
36 What was in his mind — except that he had killed his dallta , and wished to die with him ? ’
37 In fact he could have been me , except that he had had the initiative to ask the landladies if he could stay cheaper by foregoing the second ‘ B ’ — the breakfast .
38 Except that he had had mud down his suit .
39 Today , my brother is a perfect physical specimen , except that he has to turn his hand slightly to get it out of his pocket .
40 Almost everyone in England and Wales is aware that the penal system is in ‘ crisis ’ , even people who have little idea of what ‘ the penal system ’ is , except that it has to do with prisons and punishment .
41 Like a great eft [ newt ] … except that it 's got nine holes around its mouth … and bodes no good …
42 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
43 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
44 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
45 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
46 Except that I have lost one of my shoes .
47 There is no reason why this track should be any worse than the " effort " track except that I have chosen to block off the easy track and so turn it into a dead end .
48 Erm once that hurdle 's out of the way if it is a hurdle er once once we 've agreed on that er the next decision we 'll make is on er which company you and I think that you 're more be comfortable the environment in which you er we operate .
49 I 'll be fine once once I 've had another five minutes .
50 It 's probably the , the simplest illustration is to say that over the last three or four years , we 've moved from being well below S S A to nine point four percent above S S A , now nothing 's changed other than that we 've got a slight decrease in the number of calls over this last two years .
51 well other than that we 've got
52 However , if we keep on going , extrapolating backwards into the past , when we get to about a tenth of a second , or a hundredth of a second after the beginning , if we want to push earlier than that we 've got to start using physics which we can not test directly on earth .
53 They ca n't ask for more than that we have reviewed and reformed our procedures . ’
54 Other than that I 've got nothing to do .
55 This never came to trial and in the autumn he sold the land to IBM for a price similar to that received by other farmers , with a sum for damages much smaller than that he had sought in his suit .
56 And the Magistrate , watching like a stoat , could see by the alarm on their faces that they were assigning this treatment to Dr McNab for no other reason than that he had happened to mention it .
57 Er , Council are also agreeing to the road and a District Council are in agreement with the road , albeit that they have asked for the road to follow more closely to the erm but I believe it is acceptable that the road and the line of the road in general principle is .
58 He 's never ever finished it cos he gets his lungs get all tired out and he could n't breathe once so he 's decided to finish it and just finish , does n't matter which place you come really .
59 So , moving on to another requirement of this law , which states that ‘ When a penalty kick is taken the following shall apply : ( a ) The kick must be taken without undue delay ; ( b ) the kick must be taken at or behind the mark on a line through the mark ; ( c ) The kicker may kick the ball in any direction and he may play the ball again , without any restriction except if he has indicated to the referee that he intends to attempt a kick for goal ’ .
60 It is advisable to wear loose , comfortable clothing , although if you have come straight from work this may not be possible and is not essential .
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