Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] was something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This meant a lot of work with the Treasury solicitor 's office ; but it did mean that the commissioner had to write the report and not us , so there was something to be said for the arrangement .
2 The CAT scan apparently showed no damage to the brain , so it was something of a shock to the doctors as well as to Dawn 's parents when she finally came round from the coma after about a week with a left hemiplegia .
3 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
4 Terry and Middleton have become one of the country 's most reliable opening partnerships , so it was something of a surprise when , in the 19th over , Middleton was leg-before to Hooper for 27 with 68 on the board .
5 Cos there was something about it in the Best magazine was n't there ?
6 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
7 Always worrying you if there was something for the least .
8 If there was something in our way it would be different . ’
9 A's defence on the latter ground would of course be assisted if there was something in the shed worth stealing .
10 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
11 It seems extraordinary to say , but it 's as if his emotions were still erm sort of adolescent , as if there was something in him which was never able to reconcile with his intellectual attitudes .
12 Hilary , coming out of his reverie , noticed his discomfiture , and smiled as if it was something of not the slightest importance : ‘ The suggestion has been made , ’ he said .
13 None of these friends knew much about funerals , but if it was something for Conor then , yes , they 'd like to come along .
14 Yes If it was something like a housewife , if you sold the husband and wife , let's say , a Cover Master or Living Assurance , or the husband 's Health Master , and the wife now wants a Health Master , then nine pound sixty might be enough to give them the maximum benefit .
15 Because there was something in his eyes that had beckoned to her ?
16 Because Ermolov had been commanding Russia 's forces in the Caucasus for more than a decade ( and because he was something of a maverick ) , Paskevich had more friends in St Petersburg .
17 Slowly Sara began to see why it was that her mother was so proud of her nationality , for there was something about these simple Portuguese mariners that inspired confidence and trust , so that she became increasingly sure that her decision to leave home and marry João had been well judged .
18 But the moment passed , for there was something in her grasp of his legs that was so awkward , so inexperienced , and the pitch of her entreaties remained so anguished that he knew she was only doing what she imagined might persuade him to help her ; and a wave of self-loathing washed over him , that a woman like her could think of a man like him in such a light .
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