Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] was [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Cos there was one in July and I suspected it would clash with holidays , which it probably does , so the November one I 'm trying for .
2 Well anybody knows she actually int cos there was nobody in there to , to see what she were doing with it .
3 I mean if there was no-one in the car and the door was bloody open then
4 If there was something in our way it would be different . ’
5 A's defence on the latter ground would of course be assisted if there was something in the shed worth stealing .
6 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
7 It seems extraordinary to say , but it 's as if his emotions were still erm sort of adolescent , as if there was something in him which was never able to reconcile with his intellectual attitudes .
8 Did at least 50% of those interviewed state that they would buy the products mentioned from a hypermarket if there was one in the area ?
9 Whereas if there was someone in
10 It can be done also while the train is moving , which is why we want to know if there was anyone in the dome car who was unknown to you all .
11 If there was anyone in the world who could match Marvin drink for drink it was Richard Burton .
12 If there was anyone in the twentieth century to resolve the dilemma , repeat the Beowulf -poet 's masterpiece of compromise , and preserve ‘ the permanent value of that pietas which treasures the memory of man 's struggles in the dark past , man fallen and not yet saved , disgraced but not dethroned ’ ( ‘ Monsters ’ , p. 266 ) , Tolkien must have thought it should be himself .
13 Mr Templeton said he had asked the man if there was anyone in the building .
14 I was weathering the winter and believed that if there was anything in my lung , then at the very worst I was holding it at bay .
15 ‘ I came to see if there was anything in the apartment to give me a lead on who killed Mahoney , ’ I said .
16 One 's impetus was such that , provided there was nothing in the way , one would be carried through Bridge Street , right over Patrick 's Bridge , and halfway into Patrick 's Street , Cork 's main thoroughfare , before having to put foot to pedal once more .
17 Unless there was one in the back wall , he would have to abandon the entire exercise .
18 Ben had told the doctor this , and the next morning the doctor gave Silver the map — which was now useless — and gave him the food at the stockade , because there was plenty in Ben Gunn 's cave .
19 Because there was something in his eyes that had beckoned to her ?
20 Because there was nothing in Clara 's past that would seem to have fitted her for such recognitions : she was not bred to it .
21 AFTER a few minutes in the company of Joe Boyd , I was wondering whether there was anybody in world music he had not heard of .
22 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
23 I wondered whether there was anything in the teaching of Tai-Fing that could get me through the next half an hour .
24 PC Fraser said he again had asked Sutherland whether there was anyone in the house and Sutherland had replied that there was not .
25 To assert that , quite apart from the above factors , natural justice could be satisfied even though there was nothing in the nature of a hearing at all would be to denude the concept of all content .
26 Then a lot of girders arrived , by the monthly cargo ship , the Lumba ( meaning ‘ dolphin' , though there was nothing in the least sleek about its ugly , orange-streaked lines ) .
27 But the moment passed , for there was something in her grasp of his legs that was so awkward , so inexperienced , and the pitch of her entreaties remained so anguished that he knew she was only doing what she imagined might persuade him to help her ; and a wave of self-loathing washed over him , that a woman like her could think of a man like him in such a light .
28 Indeed , despite his disillusion with the present reality and underneath the modest ambition he communicated to Rohde , he cherished an almost missionary hope that if and when he was himself in a position to exert influence , the future of his subject might look altogether different .
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