Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] can be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where you can be a bit where you think you 've got a technical issue to sell ,
2 And of course where there can be no possibility of shared contextual knowledge , as in the case of unpredictable personal invention and interpretation , grammar provides the guarantee of individual conceptual freedom .
3 It is difficult to come to a firm view on these matters , but the nature of support for third parties is clearly of particular significance and affords a crude test of the Alt view — especially in the case of new parties where there can be no established sense of partisan identification .
4 They say it 's irresponsible to store radioactive waste where it can be a public danger and a safety risk .
5 The cases decide that this exception extends to touching a person in order to attract attention , although there can be no exception when the person touched has made it clear that he or she does not wish to be touched again .
6 I personally missed the colour of the medieval setting , although there can be no complaint about the dramatic effects of black and white being used to their utmost .
7 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
8 ‘ That gives us the initial impression that the explosion was of an accidental nature rather than a purposeful one , although there can be no doubt that the explosives were stockpiled there for killing people , ’ the officer said .
9 ‘ That gives us the primary impression that the explosion was of an accidental nature … although there can be no doubt the explosives were stockpiled for killing people , ’ one senior policeman said .
10 Cutting these sections is a skilled job , requiring the services of a technician in a specially-equipped workshop , so there can be no question of using even the most portable of microscopes to study rocks in the field .
11 added : ‘ A company should develop the counselling skills of its managers so they can be the first step in the process of diagnosis .
12 I feel like I can be a dominant force again , I feel like a 21-year-old .
13 Look out for this years ' Lillywhites evening in November , and see if you can be a lucky winner .
14 If you can be a rich woman you would !
15 Perhaps the worst victim — if there can be a worst victim — is little Amar , the youngest and worst napalm victim to have survived .
16 If there can be no way of guaranteeing the full representation of all views , is it possible to create structures which lessen or remove restrictions on press ‘ freedom ’ ?
17 None of these difficulties are likely to trouble us much in daily life , but they remain genuine difficulties none the less and raise issues of fundamental importance ; for if there can be no absolutely reliable and unequivocal criteria for deciding whether any given existent remains numerically , and not merely qualitatively , the same from one moment in time to the next , then we can not hope to be able to " define " the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity in terms of the criteria of particular-identification .
18 This system uses three classes of punctuation to distinguish whether the punctuation is a comma ( , ) , a punctuation mark that is internal to a sentence ( i.e. : ; ( ) and ’ ) or if it can be a sentence-final punctuation mark ( i.e .. ! ? ) .
19 Now his club 's tighthead , he has gone out of this way to improve his scrummaging technique with specialist advice from among others , his boss , Sandy Carmichael , the 50-times capped Scottish and Lions tighthead Iain Milne ( ‘ immensely helpful ’ ) and Jim Telfer ( ‘ he is just the kind of coach I need because I can be a bit lazy and the fact that he just keeps at you all the time was very good for me ’ ) .
20 Clearly if a person has no knowledge of the success of performance the performance can not improve because there can be no guidelines to steer the improvement .
21 The monistic position , as we saw , was that such an idea , ii closely examined , does not make clear sense , because there can be no unequivocal criteria of numerical diversity .
22 Protect your hands with rubber gloves because it can be a dangerous substance in such a concentrated form .
23 Change is often resisted because it can be a nuisance and an interference ; it requires other people to stop what they are doing or redirect their thinking .
24 I am sure that we are all delighted that numbers in schools are now rising because it can be a very difficult situation in which to work when er a head teacher and governing body find themselves trying to manage a continuous decline .
25 CATCH it while you can is the message for holidaymakers who have not experienced the alluring magic of Hong Kong .
26 While there can be no doubt that the polyvalent image of the retrovizor has its source in Lacan 's article , a closer examination of the structure of the mirror image will reveal that it also resembles Irigaray 's version of the constitution of the subject .
27 While there can be no objection in principle to allowing foreigners access to the English courts , it is doubtful whether they should be permitted to recover damages for defamatory words which may freely circulate in the country where the plaintiff 's reputation would be most affected .
28 The drift to comedy started by Hue and Cry ( 1947 ) , in which a group of kids foil some crooks , took Balcon 's studio in a similar direction , but there is a spirit of anarchy in the early Ealing comedies and a recognition that , since there can be no final victories , the little people must sustain their rebellion .
29 Therefore , levels 8 , 9 and 10 are identical since there can be no differentiation in the material itself .
30 Rights are therefore determined on a functional basis since there can be no liberty or property rights beyond those that contribute to maintenance of social solidarity .
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