Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb -s] [prep] most " in BNC.

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1 To predation by cats/herons ( small Koi being the most vulnerable ) , you might add jumping out of the pond , pollution from the mains supply , theft … although what carries off most small fish is common ailments , undiagnosed until too late to treat .
2 Therefore it is possible for a candidate to win the key to the White House even if he loses in most of the states .
3 The Lepismatidae have acquired an additional anterior articulation which , with other changes , enables the mandible to move by adduction and abduction in the transverse plane rather as it does in most mandibulate Pterygotes .
4 My old mate , who although he stands sixty fret high , is in fact only eighteen years old , said absolutely nothing but just went on waving his limbs as he does for most of the day .
5 It was asked , how do we respond when what appears to most commentators to be a profitable plant is closed on the basis of criteria that have nothing to do with the plant itself ?
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