Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [was/were] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember several policemen being reported missing at the police station where they were on duty .
2 If you asked him where a particular coin was he would be able to tell you exactly where it was on display , even to where it was pinned in a case .
3 The famous high temper which no one , not even her formidable papa , knew how to cope with , once she was on fire , was being controlled by a man whose outward-seeming was mild and pleasant , although beneath Dr Neil 's bland exterior she was beginning to sense a will as strong and resolute as her own .
4 Merchant bank SG Warburg said : ‘ We are no better off than we were on Friday . ’
5 The composer 's words are now a little clearer in the rehearsal recording than they were on LP .
6 Although he was on Oxfords , or even Ansons , he was nevertheless getting experience at night and this was important if he wanted to become a Mosquito Pathfinder .
7 But how , the misunderstanding goes , can a market be efficient when on October 19th 1987 the New York stockmarket was suddenly and inexplicably worth 23% less than it was on October 16th ?
8 And although it is much better now than it was on Thursday morning , I know I ca n't train for the next three days .
9 Somehow , once it was on paper , it was real .
10 If I were on holiday , Nigel would be the first person I 'd contact when I got back .
11 I know I would get a bit excited if if I was on T V.
12 Maybe if I was on Sandøya when winter came , when the sun went in for two or three months , when all the water froze , when ice covered the ground and fishing was a risky business of frozen fingers and ears , on water in which survival was measured in seconds , I would be less romantic about it .
13 For a brief moment it looked as if someone was on fire .
14 Well , now , I was n't , cos I was on holiday at the last meeting , so I could n't check , I have down Grace , but it was also queried at the time .
15 We came on a , I think it was on a Friday or Saturday morning and I had to go back Sunday night , cos I was on duty on the Monday back in Plymouth , and I did a month in Plymouth , er , a month or five weeks no longer , and I came up each weekend to see them , my wife was left there then .
16 The floodlight outside — harsh and white — lit her like she was on stage .
17 Amy was in her pastoral care , even if she was on holiday .
18 So whatever duty you were on — morning duty , that was all right , it was in the firm 's time , but if you were on afternoon duty , you would have to attend court and maybe go straight on afternoon duty .
19 You had this lump of rock that you dangled from a thread and people discovered that it always pointed in the same direction , so if you were on board , a ship for the first time people were able to travel in a ship without having to hug a coast all the way across or navigate to where they could see .
20 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
21 And , and even if you were on night duty you 'd be on night duty for twelve hours , you 'd come off at eight in the morning and have to go to a lecture at nine .
22 And if you were on night duty you 'd get two nights off , but when you came back you 'd , you 'd , you 'd have to be on duty that night so you 'd have to go to bed that day .
23 No medals for having a lock-up if you were on nights .
24 It was very inadequate at times , especially in winter if you were on point duty .
25 If you were an ant crawling around in G– , it would seem at each node as if you were on G. The only way to tell the difference is that in G , if you go far enough in the right direction , then you arrive back where you began ; whereas in G– , the only way to return to the start is by retracing your steps .
26 2 If you were on track RC would show 0° ( station ahead ) or 180° ( station astern ) .
27 Ten shillings from Saturday morning , from when they when the men left off at half past four on a Saturday till six o'clock Monday morning , we got ten shillings and if and if we were on watch on th on the night time , cos we used to do one watch one week and one night one week and two nights next , cos there used to be the mate and erm three more sailors , used to take turns , well there was only four nights so the man who done the Monday night , they done the Friday night .
28 ‘ Someone asked if we were on honeymoon .
29 If you are single , healthy and in your 20s , then it is probably worth very little to you , and you might prefer to take a cash alternative if one were on offer .
30 7.5 shows how the intensity should vary with frequency for gamma rays given off by primordial black holes , if there were on average 300 per cubic light-year .
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