Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He knew this was something that had been happening slowly for a long time , something that had to happen or he was lost , but it was such a brittle structure they were building , one word would topple it , shatter it , one word would be enough to jerk them back into that ordinary daylight where nothing could be changed or righted , nothing could unravel .
2 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
3 Where nothing will be flushed .
4 I would phone twice a day , and , of course , I would leave you a complete itinerary where I could be reached if you needed me . ’
5 Feeling deliciously convalescent , I pottered about in pyjamas , weak yet fortified by the knowledge that I was in a sympathetic house where I could be waited on , and had no appointments of any kind .
6 Shame on me for this is the first issue of SR I 've ever read ( Nov ) , but I hope it will not be the last , for may I say , I think I may have at last found a space where I can be heard — most women 's magazines shun the type of letter I submit — not cosy enough for their letters pages , I suspect .
7 I 'll give you a number where I can be reached in any emergency . ’
8 For , to take it that the property of being red-haired is known reliably but that there is no solid evidence for its owner ( in the same way for example as in ( 78 ) where her must be covered by the caveat without solid evidence : ( 78 ) he tried to imagine her ) seems as near to self-contradictory as makes no difference .
9 She had lied to him because she wished to evade the unpleasant truth of her life as a rich heiress , to try to make a new life free of old ties and old mistakes , where she would be loved as McAllister , who had nothing .
10 For the present , then , the vital need is to do everything possible to secure a safe retirement of XH558 , where she will be cared for as well as she has been since becoming the VDF display aircraft .
11 She is due to fly to London today , where she will be met by her children Dominic , 22 , Tammy , 19 , and Cathy , nine , of Chichester , Hants .
12 The woman would then be taken to a certified hospital for medical examination , where she could be detained for up to three months .
13 She needed to go back to London , to her own flat , where she could be surrounded by familiar possessions and be near to her family .
14 You may as well sleep under a hedge or in a doorway , and get arrested for being a vagrant , and get put in jail where you 'll be treated like muck but at any rate it 'll be warm and you 'll be made to have a bath .
15 There is a lively bar where you will be served a welcome drink , and the hospitable staff will be sure to give you a warm welcome .
16 There is a lounge , a rustic style bar , a sauna ( local charge ) and a welcoming dining room where you will be served with a buffet breakfast and a three course dinner with a choice of main course .
17 Wycliffe said : ‘ I want you to come back to the Incident Room with me where you will be asked to make a full statement . ’
18 Depart London for Calgary and make your own way to the Delta Bow Valley Inn , where you will be contacted our tour representative .
19 The Rose is an attractive , traditional style Tyrolean gasthof where you will be made very welcome by Simon and Anneliese Kroll .
20 First we will march to the barracks , where you will be issued with supplies so that you can get yourselves bedded down .
21 There is no better way of buying cheese than from a specialist cheese shop , where you will be encouraged to taste before buying and the retailer will be knowledgeable , friendly and , above all , enthusiastic about his stock .
22 Entering such a store is to enter an intriguing musty lair containing rows of cheap clothes in either blue or olive green , and where you will be greeted by a stab in the eye with an ice-axe that has hung behind the door since the 60s .
23 Other public rooms include a reception area , lounge , dining room , TV lounge and a bar where you will be offered a welcome cocktail .
24 The dreaming spires , Morse 's beat where you could be forgiven for thinking there are more murders per square foot than any other city in Britain .
25 Do n't forget to print your full name , address and , if possible , give a telephone number where you can be contacted .
26 Where you can be contacted .
27 We will respect anonymity if requested , but , as gesture of good faith , we do need to see your name and address , and , where applicable , a telephone number where you can be contacted during office hours .
28 We will respect anonymity if requested , but , as gesture of good faith , we do need to see your name and address , and , where applicable , a telephone number where you can be contacted during office hours .
29 I guess he thought it safer to ask me there over the noise of the engine and in the babble of conversation than in some quiet spot alone , where we might be bugged .
30 They exist in written messages too , where we may be influenced by handwriting or typography , and by whether the message is in an expensive book or on a scrap of paper .
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