Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Head of Department : ‘ In 1976 I had a clear idea where I would like to be going :
2 Actually , I 'm in a situation now where I 'd love to be celibate … but I really love sex .
3 The temptation to return safely back up where I 'd come from was enormous .
4 I must have fainted , and when I came to I did n't know who I was or where I 'd come from . "
5 There 's a pub about four streets away from us where I used to go with my dad .
6 I tried to find myself work ( such as washing dishes or mending clothes ) , where I could observe without being too noticeable .
7 It was my ex who got me fixed up with the job ; Dizzy owed him , and he owed me maintenance for Jed , and I wanted to get away from town and get involved in something where I could start to 69 respect myself again … everything kind of fitted into place .
8 It was n't like working here , where I could slip into Spanish when things got ropey , and afterwards we 'd all go to the bar and tone up the group dynamics over a few drinks .
9 If you could find me a garret somewhere near you , where I could live for the next three months , I could finish it , and perhaps get it Published .
10 ‘ I took her to Anglesey , ’ says Christine , ‘ where we have a house , and where I could concentrate on her completely .
11 The next year , 1965 , he had his choice of three F1 teams competing for his services and chose BRM : as he has said , he wanted to be in a team ‘ where they would n't rush me , a team where I would n't be battling for my place every time I took the grid , a team where I could learn from a man like Graham Hill ’ .
12 There 's nowhere else with such a great choice of books , nowhere where I can trawl through such a selection
13 ‘ Now you listen to me — if I ca n't have a chalet I must have a room where I can talk to Silas privately .
14 Want to get a 900 number , where people can call and get a message , where I can talk with them .
15 I am going to ask Daddy to take me back home where I can go to work .
16 ‘ I 'm thinkin' of buildin' me a shed where I can work in peace , ’ he added , sucking his bleeding finger .
17 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
18 ‘ It is also my little laboratory where I can experiment with new dishes and new ideas .
19 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
20 So we hid it somewhere really good , where nobody 'd think of looking ! — Anyway , it do n't matter about putting it in the bank now , does it ?
21 ( In 1874 , whilst at her favourite residence at Osborne in the Isle of Wight , Queen Victoria made a number of trips to the post office at nearby Whippingham where she would stay for some hours comforting a dying deaf woman , Mrs. Elizabeth Tuffield , nee Groves .
22 Posh Porky seemed to be torn between going along with her old man to the synagogue and staying put at the shop , where she 'd sit by the window and start scoffing cream buns the moment he was out of sight .
23 She chose the Council because she felt she wanted something where she could contribute to the community .
24 Worse still , she had married into a life so public that at times she felt there was no place on earth where she could escape from the prying eyes .
25 Left home as soon as she could , McLeish observed , instead of starting where she could work from home .
26 The outcome of the exercise in the White Paper , I think , had three main parts : one was a new think-tank , the Central Policy Review Staff , which presumably reflected some of the stuff you 'd seen in the United States at Rand and so on ; the other was a new system of , I suppose you would call it , zero-based budgeting , where you would look at longstanding government commitments and see if they should stagger on — that was Programme Analysis and Review ; and , to reduce the weight on Cabinet , there were to be big conglomerate departments , which led to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of the Environment .
27 In considering the issues of where you are , or where you would like to be , there is also a great tendency to think that the grass is always greener somewhere else .
28 where you might think in the centre of France .
29 Outside is a lovely garden where you may eat in fine weather , and occasionally the hotel offers zither music during the evening .
30 You can either stay at the centre during an activity holiday where you 'll sleep in a room for two to eight people and have all meals provided .
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