Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb base] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ALTHOUGH I welcome any move towards a more open society I am a little disturbed by the relentless way in which childhood is being forced to be politically correct .
2 No more than I want any part in Local Government where Councillors and Officers can spend twenty thousand pounds tripping all over Europe and let's put something straight , the T and A tonight , which we all believe , says Councillor has no right to complain about that cos he went on a jet plane to Brussels .
3 ‘ I 'm sick last season has ended , but I 'm looking forward to the next one more than I have any season .
4 It is not possible to withdraw more than the amount in the account so you avoid any risk of running up an overdraft .
5 If I get any work .
6 With the kind of sound that I use , if I miss any part of the note you hear it as a big clang .
7 and if I put any weight on it .
8 I was down at T V I as well borrowing their video camera and er Margaret said that she 'd be quite keen to come involved as well if I want any help from her
9 And if I want any colour I 'm going to get some black taps in the bath .
10 I do n't know if I want any chocolate or not .
11 ‘ I 'll obviously be in touch if I have any news . ’
12 I 'm usually quite abstemious during daylight hours if I have any driving to do .
13 Generally , I I enter in the accident book if I give any treatment .
14 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , or even using ordinary power tools indoors like drills and saws , you could be putting yourself at risk .
15 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , you could be putting yourself at risk .
16 However , both the license and the right to use the Program terminate automatically if you violate any part of this Agreement .
17 You can elect to have no backgrounds , if you 've any doubt about screen burn-in , although the scenery changes enough to prevent any chance of that .
18 You 'll get off , if you 've any sense ! ’
19 If you 've any sense you 'll give me a ride to Shipton and put me on a train , then go back to your farm and forget all about me . ’
20 If you 've any sense you 'll grab a pair of skis and do the same .
21 Now er in the in the An engineer if you 've any engineer friend engineering friends I could explain it all to you but it takes time .
22 And this this 'll be interesting if you er if you 've any engineering friends friends that 'll
23 In the meantime , if you 've any material you think we should look at send it in .
24 And we could n't You could n't just swim on the surface because if you let any part of your body above the water for any length of time , I mean it just burnt .
25 If you suffer any kind of discrimination or harassment , you should always aim to get it stopped at once , before it gets out of hand .
26 Yeah , from the shop , if you get any hassle I do n't mind paying a bit more pound more .
27 If you get any irritation — or if you have just overdone the sun a little — put three camomile teabags in your bath to soothe your skin .
28 Well , what we 've decided to do is er know what to do and er this , this is the gang this is maybe exaggerated if you do n't have three people on the bottom if you get Any thing else ?
29 Oh alright then , if you hear any news from Miss
30 I think if you ask any housewife , if they 're honest , they 'll turn round and say they feel like a drudge half the time — everybody thinks when they get up in the morning ‘ Oh no , I 've got the same old things to do today , till I go to bed tonight . ’
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