Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb base] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is meant by ‘ the computational mechanisms involved in sensory perception in general ’ will be clarified in the next section , where I discuss some AI ideas bearing on the puzzles about the kingfisher 's perceptual competence that were listed above .
2 I do not merely spend time in Manchester — where I spend more time than anywhere else outside London and my constituency , which is my home town .
3 In some cases , where I have personal experience , I shall go into the depth of the technical details .
4 I do n't know of any other event where you get that kind of pressure and you just ca n't simulate that .
5 The Grovel Industry , where you get paid danger money because it 's so insecure .
6 Yeah , you 've got one where you get bass reflex
7 It 's a matter of then where you put that price , either in our fee or invoice directly to the , to the client .
8 Elean:Your stories are very strong on the hostile , uncaring , comtemptuous , apartheid apparatus — for example the traumatic experience for the Black African people just to travel on a train from A to B ; you seem to contrast this , all the time , with the ’ togetherness ’ , the solidarity among the suffering South African people , like in your story , Fud-u-u- , a , where you emphasize this togetherness , especially among the women .
9 But oh , the glory and the convenience of skiing in resorts where you step into your bindings and ski down to the lift without setting foot to snow , where you cruise all day on networks so meticulously designed that you have but to descend to find another fan of lifts at your disposal .
10 Not only can this play hell with the smooth operation of a network , it can be a nightmare to troubleshoot , especially where you have long cable runs between machines .
11 where you have insufficient service to quality for unfair dismissal rights ;
12 Even where you have more flexibility , such as constituency campaigning by local candidates , you may still need to choose your audiences and visitors carefully .
13 In addition , HCI offers the following generous reductions for the second child sharing a room with 2 full fare paying passengers at all Clubs where you see this symbol
14 Be sure of standards where you see this mark
15 Walk along the road until you come to Overton Hall Farm where you bear sharp right down bend in track .
16 You might begin by writing notes and questions to yourself — to check what you already know and where you need more information .
17 It would be dead easy to reform the CAP at our farmers ' expense and simply shovel the money across to other farmers , which appears to be the Labour party 's proposal , but we do not share that view ; we must ensure that it is a balanced proposal and that in the United Kingdom , where we have efficient agriculture , the efficient farmer has a long-term future .
18 The concept would be difficult enough if it were only at this level , where we say that music , dance , painting , sculpture , poetry , drama , fiction , film have crucial properties in common , which suffice to distinguish them , as a group , from other human practices .
19 It probably matters little where we choose that point as long as it is not at infinity .
20 ‘ I want police like they are on television , like The Bill , where they get stuck right in , ’ says one boy .
21 More than three-quarters of those who are currently in post , even where they receive some remuneration , are amateurs in status , and in many cases in training as well , The extent and quality of their musical education is therefore extremely varied .
22 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
23 or where they change half way down , so you have n't got to keep taking your glasses on and off
24 Matt 's pretty fit from all those outdoor movies where they put olive oil on his pectorals ( though not as fit as he ought to be ) and the two of us gave the crew a bit of a hard time , said union rules did n't apply in the Jungle , and so on .
25 School leavers , or inexperienced people joining the industry often get jobs in riding schools or competition yards where they gain practical experience .
26 Then many continue across the Antarctic Ocean towards the South Pole where they find continuous daylight while their northern breeding grounds are covered by continuous night .
27 Sadly for us he 's gone back to America — where they pay real money for what we do !
28 Sadly for us he 's gone back to America — where they pay real money for what we do !
29 So she locked them in a coat closet where they beat each other half to death in the dark for twenty minutes .
30 Over-use of such mediating devices is unwise , especially where they involve direct repetition .
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