Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb past] me [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 After a couple of days , me and me mother were n't getting on , so she hoyed me out .
2 Well , that did n't mean a thing to me , so she took me out next day to the Champs Elysée , into a very expensive shop .
3 So you dragged me off to Ghar Hasan … ? ’ she whispered shakily .
4 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
5 But I did not perk up , so they carted me back indoors and called the doctor once more .
6 ‘ I told the people around me that I wanted to quit , so they flew me back home to see a doctor .
7 If Father were to hear them he 'd whip me out of that place much quicker than he pushed me in , I can tell you .
8 ‘ I told him I was training with Guisborough that evening , so he met me up there and a deal was sorted out .
9 Erm I felt really organized cos Mr said that I was too hyperactive and I needed to have , I had to do something constructive so he sent me out posting well giving everyone their letters and I felt really I mean he did n't do it nastily , he just said I was flitting about and needed something to do and so it was really fun .
10 ‘ Oh , no ’ — so he ticked me off there and then instead .
11 ‘ The only thing which disturbs me is if you brought me down here on false pretenses .
12 Barbara said : ‘ Durance would never forgive you if you turned me out .
13 Now today if you rang me up to do removals , we do n't work the same way .
14 I do n't know whether you 'll think I 'm boasting but that is n't the case , but I never ever regretted it and it a great deal of respect for me , you know and I could see that and did appreciate it and I know the people appreciated it just the same and erm it 's gone on from then till now but about , I retired in seventy-three , I was sixty-five and I said I 'd only do what anybody wanted for me , cos they had me in for the tax and I never ever heard twenty-one I think it was or thirty-one in come and I 'd go before I could satisfy them at Walsall but er I 'd got , not got enough money to be taxed in the bank , which was true .
15 If he rode me over to Romorantin to catch the early train to Paris , would I mind going out to Reine for him ?
16 I know cos he took me out in it sometimes .
17 ‘ It was because you brought me back to life .
18 ‘ When I thanked you just now , by the way , it was because you got me out of the boat before I hit the water this time . ’
19 Because you gave me back to myself .
20 Just because she brought me up .
21 Because they pissed me off .
22 Was I supposed to wait till they picked me off ?
23 ‘ I knew he was doing it because he wanted me out .
24 Jeffrey kept telling me he was only seeking custody because he wanted me back in the States .
25 One memorable day I wandered along to a municipal course and sat waiting while they fixed me up with a fourball .
26 I was going to draw the curtains , upstairs in the bedroom about ten minutes after you dropped me off here .
27 and I do n't know whether she took me down to see him to see if I 'd backed down
28 ‘ Four different priests gave me conditional absolution before they got me out .
29 ‘ Well , reasonably so , I suppose , but after the meal , not after he gave me back the hat .
30 It took several miles on the bus and a lot of questions still to be answered outside his front door before he invited me in to meet his mother .
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