Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] can [vb infin] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Do you know what it is , and where I can get one ?
2 Bournemouth is the next port of call : a well-established resort which is both elegant and friendly and where you can see anything from classical concerts to dinosaur reconstructions .
3 We have a shop in Southport like this , where you can buy anything for any hobby .
4 A wilderness is a place of contrast , where our own rules and values for living can be challenged , where we can learn something about humility and the inventive resilience of unmanaged nature .
5 There is an old-fashioned quality to these performances which leaves me wishing for something just a little less well-upholstered , although I can imagine anyone coming to Bach for the first time with this recording could well come away with the impression that old LEAVES is quite simply the ‘ bizz ’ , and I for one would not wish to argue with that !
6 Mother generally visits them in March before the season hots up so she can see something of Charity and spoil her grandchildren unmercifully . ’
7 You see when you first start , you 've only got three appointments anyway , so you can do one at ten o'clock and one at four ca n't you ?
8 Well , so you can do one sweep , you know without jumping over , well there 's only a piece of board up there is n't there ?
9 And it 's all wired together so you can dial anything in that you want .
10 But horses for courses you see there are not an option cos he wo n't move from Scotland and there 's not reason why he should do and so you can forget anybody north of forget anybody in area
11 Then make a list of all the items and photocopy it so you can give one to each guest .
12 The hotelier said ‘ I have four beds so you can have one each .
13 Good , so John it must be your turn now , so you can select anybody else in the room , and go through the same process .
14 She 's reading Kev so you can say anything you like now .
15 ‘ You want me put away , so you can take everything ! ’
16 Although he can do nothing directly about them , the existence of the concurrent proceedings is an element , albeit not necessarily decisive , in the assembly of facts by reference to which the judge of subordinate jurisdiction must decide how in the interests of justice to exercise his powers to regulate the proceedings in his court .
17 Cos he 's got something in his nose so he can smell anything .
18 Perhaps I 'll go for a walk in the forest and see if I can sort something out . ’
19 If I can break something , I break it .
20 ‘ It may take some time to discover anything — if I can discover anything , that is . ’
21 There is even a saying that indicates how poorly cleaning is regarded ‘ Well , if I can do nothing else , I can always sweep the roads ’ .
22 So if I can do one run and then photocopy it .
23 Let me know if I can do anything . ’
24 If I can do anything I must know the facts . ’
25 I do not think that it is wisdom that is required but if I can do anything , I will .
26 By our Lord , the king of heaven , if I can do anything you want you may find me most generous ; most happily will I perform for you without grudging . " )
27 I intend to make my home here in this town , and if I can do anything to ensure that the people here are treated fairly I shall do it .
28 If I can do anything to help you only have to ask . ’
29 I hope so , and if I can contribute something to that culture change I shall be glad to do so .
30 I wonder if , it Mr , was it choir or his father or something that had it , I can if I can remember somebody saying .
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