Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have to be " in BNC.

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1 To come somewhere like this would have been better , somewhere where I had to be in at a certain time , where I could n't have certain people come in .
2 Where I have to be .
3 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
4 ‘ They would do best to concentrate on technical software , rather than applications where you have to be in close touch with your customers , ’ he said .
5 It is , above all , something where you have to be utterly precise and there 's no warm up , you just go out there and do it and that 's very challenging .
6 That congregations be given ample opportunity to sing in services , even where they have to be unaccompanied ( 528–529 , 540 ) .
7 To his credit , or possibly his ignorance , Michael then immediately filmed the next scene , where he had to be seen on the underside of a fire engine 's turntable ladder twenty feet up in the air , being lowered to the ground .
8 ‘ Paul Daniels learned the ropes on the Middlesbrough club scene where he had to be a little tougher to survive the wisecracks , but he comes across as unfriendly on television , ’ he said .
9 But the distance from where the tank now sat blocking the way at the head of the stairs , and where it had to be , at the end of the landing , was too great for them to shift it .
10 Once the process was completed , older boys , apprentice papermakers , came and dislodged the sheet , taking it away to the drying trestles , where it had to be carefully watched and removed after it had dried but before it began to turn yellow in the sun .
11 Where it had to be the right name .
12 This , by the way , is the first Macintosh package we have met where it has to be installed by a loader program .
13 If the race had been over 62 metres then I felt I would have won , but there are no championships at this distance so I had to be content with second place .
14 The lights I work under can get really hot and tend to dry it out so I have to be extra careful .
15 After having amassed around 200 hours on the Corsair since purchasing it in 1982 , the novelty of flying this beast has not diminished : ‘ Today I feel that every flight in the Corsair is as exciting as the first , mainly because with the Corsair you can not afford to be complacent , as the aircraft will sometimes bite back , so I have to be alert all the time while I am flying ’ .
16 Although you had to be very careful in er in d knowing what to go after .
17 Although you have to be offered the deal , Sun could still lose some valuable people .
18 She was polite , but no friendlier than she had to be ; she looked at Gillian 's jeans with disapproval but without comment .
19 He was a radical so she had to be even more radical .
20 only go so high to do a course and she was on an F grade so she had to be taken down .
21 You 've got to bear in mind though that , that , that the scriptures which you can use in the Hebrew context were before the resurrection was possible , so you had to be careful that er , that you do n't bounce because when Jesus came to the earth he changed that though did n't he ?
22 I do take into account that for a lot of people , pop artists are role models so you have to be careful about what you are doing .
23 There is no top ledge as with the T-cut method to hold the bud in position while you bind it in , so you have to be careful how you handle the bass or the elastic band .
24 In practice , it is more difficult , because the effectiveness of advertisements falls off with frequency of exposure in a particular paper , so you have to be very careful that you are comparing like with like .
25 Waters believes local anaesthetics are good for the patient and good for the surgeon : ‘ A conscious patient is , after all , monitoring your every move , so you have to be extra gentle .
26 Many of the more glamorous film and photographic opportunities crop up at short notice , so you have to be flexible .
27 ‘ There are 800 professionals these days , so you have to be fit .
28 So you have to be in charge of directing their responses ? ’
29 No it 's er it 's electric , it 's an electricity sign so you have to be very careful .
30 Cos I 'll be , it 's my party , so you have to be nice to me , cos it 's my party basically , cos I consider it
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