Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have [vb pp] many " in BNC.

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1 His wife had been an islander by birth and after she died he decided to live there where they had spent many happy holidays .
2 Although I have heard many a Christian sermon that was implicitly dualist , the orthodox Christian position on this is quite clear .
3 Provided you have a fair left hand reach it 's possible to play this without a capo , although I have seen many people play it either with one at the 2nd fret , or without one by transposing the part down to E …
4 As you yourself said , on Sunday , we have acted together for ten years and never had a quarrel , although we have had many a grave difference on questions of policy .
5 After a last stand further north , Europe 's finest army was destroyed ; although they had lost many men , the Norman nucleus survived .
6 For Italian Vogue he dyed the skin of Linda Evangelista nearly black and painted Rachel Williams silver not just to produce a great photograph ( although he has produced many ) , but to synthesise a vision of fashion that is more significant than showing clothes .
7 Now if you 've got many hundreds of clients on the network that 's a significant effort in terms of maintaining the code .
8 If you have entered many competitions and never won a thing , this might not be because your work is poor .
9 The dogs had followed the line of the fence until it ended abruptly , whereupon they had glimpsed many more man-things up ahead .
10 ‘ He ( Burke ) dashed into the blazing furnace with reckless abandon , making trip after trip until he had rescued many persons .
11 She wondered if he 'd kissed many girls , just because they were pretty and expected it .
12 ‘ That 's not true because I 've won many of my matches when I could n't hit my serve in court . ’
13 General practitioners are in a position to plan because they have survived many changes , and to fail to reappoint them on the basis of a local health policy ‘ whim ’ conflicts with individual patients ' rights in choosing their own general practitioner .
14 Being part of C&P has softened the blow because it has enabled many employees to switch to other growth areas of the chemicals business .
15 However , before she 'd gone many yards she recollected herself and turned to the bystanders .
16 We were to witness a different and more promising sacrifice only after we had spent many patient weeks in Bira , when a white cock and a black goat were ritually slaughtered in Sinar Surya 's hull , signifying that at last we were about to depart .
17 Bardely intercepted him before he had gone many yards …
18 As I 've said many times before , pressure is only a condition of the mind .
19 And I do n't mean I 'm bending them , but there were some , as I 've said many times , a lot of silly people refereeing in speedway , and thank goodness now , ninety nine per cent of them are being sensible and we 're seeing some good refereeing .
20 If you have ever stood on a sheep farmer 's hillside , as I have done many times in the Western Highlands of Scotland , and listened to the sheep calling to ( communicating with ) each other , you will immediately notice how their intonations are all different , as indeed are their faces .
21 ‘ You are an artist , as I have said many times .
22 This is true for simple problems but , as I have said many times before , as soon as the problems become more complicated our mathematical knowledge turns out to be greatly deficient .
23 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I have been careful not to lay down specific periods for the bids to come in , because , as I have said many times , it may take longer for some management-employee buy-outs to be lodged than others .
24 I think basically , if you 've got good colour sense you 're home and dry as I have said many times , it does n't matter how you put it together , but if the colours are superb , it 's going to look good .
25 I vowed then , as I have vowed many times before and since , that I would never again make myself so vulnerable to the team , that I would get them off my back and out of my life if it was the last thing I did .
26 My personal preference is for Michelin as I have had many years and miles of trouble free use from them .
27 For I have gone many times to the Cavern of Cruachan .
28 As we have seen many inappropriate parsings are constructed primarily from function words and their reduced forms .
29 As we have said many times in this section , ‘ wholesale ’ deals are often done on extremely small commissions or to profit from extremely small interest rate differentials .
30 The imported coal is heavily subsidised , as we have said many times in the House .
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