Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [verb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It began to feel like a night at the Marx Bros opera where you had to guess what Harpo was trying to say .
2 One is ‘ historical ’ , where we want to know what particular motive moved a particular actor on a particular occasion .
3 ‘ Oh , I heard your dog scratching at the door , so I came to see what the matter was .
4 ‘ You believe in it , so I wanted to know what it was all about . ’
5 It looked a scrappy goal , but slightly better once I had seen what really happened on the telly .
6 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
7 Sue is still building up her range and is willing to stock new qualities when in sufficient demand , so she likes to know what her customers want .
8 Well , anyway , thought Julia , she could n't be worse at waiting than she was at typing , so she 'd asked what the rate of pay was .
9 She was always saying she 'd be glad to go to her reward so she 's got what she wanted , and I was never very fond of her .
10 All right , so you 've decided which university you want to go to and which course you want to do .
11 You ca n't hear nothing cos the glass is too thick , so you got to guess what the people are saying .
12 No matter how familiar with literary works you become , you can not focus equally on all parts of a text ( particularly a long text , such as a novel ) : so you need to decide which parts of it are most worth reading closely and writing about .
13 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
14 And then if you want to read some literature and talk about some of the things which Once you 've said what questions you want to ask you 'll want to read some stuff You 've either read a lot of it already , the stuff you 've done today is useful , and do a bit of your essay saying , This is what the literature says , so we did an experiment to test this aspect and here 's the results we found , let's discuss this .
15 I love playing lead myself , but once you 've heard what Lloyd and Quine can do , there 's no way you ca n't use it !
16 Once you 've decided which applications you want in every room , you can then furnish each room with its own applications .
17 Once you have decided which of your manifold assets to emphasize , you need to get practical .
18 Once you have decided which facts you have to face , and whittled down the possibilities according to space , family and pocket , you can decide much more easily on the feeling you would like to introduce .
19 Once you have decided which tense to use for a particular section of your essay , check that you are consistent — do not for example start a narrative in one tense and later change into another , unless you have a very good reason for doing so .
20 Once you have decided what the extra staffing and other requirements are in respect of the two conferences , you can work out how much it is going to cost to accommodate them .
21 Once you have decided what type of range you are going to stock , open accounts , discuss terms , discounts , and payment periods with the utmost care .
22 Once you have seen which publishers might be interested in your novel , you begin the long process of sending it to one after another .
23 Once you have established what your options are , you should go on to produce a specific recommendation or set of recommendations .
24 It 's not a rebuttal , although one tries to anticipate what objectors will say .
25 This coincided with our decision to work on a book together , so we began compiling what was to become The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes .
26 that we need to focus on , so we 've highlighted what to move forward on those those issues .
27 Erm then what are the values of , so we 've done what is Y when X is nought ?
28 It takes its place among a range of other aids we use quite regularly , so we have to decide what its strengths are .
29 So we want to know what 's happening . ’
30 Erm , in the Customer Services area once we 've seen what changes Customer Service wish to make during this year that they myself and Roger and gon na find that out , hopefully , tomorrow , erm , then we 'll be more specific about the areas that we have to address on th , the first and second floor .
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