Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [be] give to " in BNC.

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1 Victors ' trophy until it was given to Brazil for keeps on their third win in 1970 .
2 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
3 But that said , erm what what it what the position is , er i is that we have put into the model Well we have n't put it into the model because it was given to us a part of the model and possibly by now North Yorkshire may have the revised model , No they have n't yet .
4 ‘ The Name ’ has been the Holy of Holies to all Jews since it was given to Moses as a special revelation of the divine essence ; all other holinesses merely subserve it .
5 But doctors are now trying to see which drugs do work before they 're given to patients .
6 I know this was actually worn by her , I do n't , I , I 'm not sure whether it was given to her maid , I do n't think so .
7 Rye must be soaked in hot water to destroy an anti-growth hormone in the seed coat before it is given to livestock , but triticale kernels can be fed directly to livestock with no harmful side-effects .
8 When the selected material is brought to the sacrificial enclosure in a ceremonial procession , a consecrated ‘ pot ’ or ‘ puma-kumbha ’ is installed and the stone or wood is subjected to set rituals before it is given to the sculptor .
9 His hair was white , as my daughters reported when they went to view the body before it was given to the Odonata .
10 It 's a shame that someone as obviously capable of expressing himself as you is given to such bursts of undisguised racism and ignorance .
11 Unfortunately the homemaking did not include harmony , for she was given to moods .
12 When they were given to patients with high blood pressure , the immediate results were encouraging .
13 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
14 No thought of the future , whether it was to be spent in jail or exile or even in restored fortune — no thought of it was to mar those living moments as they were given to her .
15 We believe a cup of coffee leaves a nicer taste in your mouth when it 's given to you by name .
16 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
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