Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] n't been " in BNC.

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1 Before getting into bed I went into the large bathroom beside her bedroom , where I had n't been before .
2 The war situation has also had an influence in the deterioration of education because there are places — especially in the rural areas — where there has n't been any normality in schools for years .
3 My question is to , that er , police officer or to the Chief Constable , or to anybody who can answer , how much is it gon na cost that , for that paper to be produced , and would it not be better spent in putting a police officer in Stratton St Margaret , where there has n't been one on the beat for the last six months , to help us reduce the number of er , of crimes committed in Stratton .
4 Some of the work the Aborigines have produced is quite beautiful , especially where it has n't been corrupted by commercial interests . ’
5 Although I have n't been making records for the last six years , I have been working behind the scenes at Artists Against Apartheid , and me the Mandela concert last month , seeing that speech go out live on the BBC to all those people , was a culmination of all that work .
6 Then she said , quietly , ‘ Yes , although I have n't been here for a long time .
7 Although I have n't been able to convince myself . ’
8 " So I have n't been absolutely truthful with him .
9 My home is 90 miles away , so I have n't been able to afford to go back very often .
10 and I went with her last week , then she had to go again on Monday , but she went Saturday as well , then she had to go back up Monday the last , so she has n't been have n't seen her since I 've been gon na go up all week but the weather
11 So you have n't been unfaithful , is that what you 're saying ?
12 I hope everybody understands er , Alton Towers is launching its new things today , Chessington opened this weekend , so we have n't been trading until this weekend in effect in our parks business .
13 Back in the car G. repeats that the day has been typical except we have n't been called up on the radio and he 's been called up twenty-nine times in the last month .
14 Chairman , the , the point being made by Mr is covered in the manner in which our consultants who are they contact the organization of such a Suffolk Wild Life Trust , I know the representations are embodied within the main report written by , so they have n't been overlooked .
15 ‘ That , Chairman , is precisely my point , ’ although it had n't been to start with .
16 ‘ On the house , ’ he finished for her , although it had n't been what she was thinking .
17 Although it has n't been one of the happiest experiences of my life either , ’ she added in a low voice .
18 It was she who had begged him to make love to her , she recalled , not the other way round , and , although he had n't been exactly reluctant , what man was going to turn down such a blatant offer ?
19 Perhaps if I had n't been a fool I would have been the dead girl in the road . ’
20 ‘ Well , you 'd have had the lot pilfered if I had n't been guarding them and suffered the most ghastly discomfort in the process .
21 He 'd walked into the boathouse and tried to pick up an envelope and the floor had given way beneath him and a piece of beam was missing , and if I had n't been there with him he would certainly have drowned in the dock , impaled on something lurking beneath the surface .
22 If I had n't been so snowed under I 'd have phoned myself , and you could have reminded me .
23 If I had n't been such a coward maybe they might have turned out better . ’
24 If I had n't been there , Russell would have hit her .
25 In fact , if I had n't been living here I doubt they would have noticed us at all !
26 But the harsh reality is that if I had n't been picked by England for the tour to India , I would have struggled to make ends meet this winter — I do n't know what I would have done .
27 The Scot said : ‘ I was one punch away from knocking him out in the fifth and if I had n't been injured , I would have finished him . ’
28 Bogie would n't have married me if I had n't been prepared to agree not to follow my career .
29 If I had n't been in that bar at that time , perhaps all this would have happened to somebody else .
30 If I had n't been too dumb I could have come to Mars-U as well , then I would n't have been alone .
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