Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] it the " in BNC.

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1 Is that longer than you have it the window there .
2 If I approached it the way I usually work , I 'd agree .
3 If you spell it the way it is pronounced you 'll
4 and a half , one over two the reciprocal of a half if you turn it the other way round it 's two over one
5 And if you show it the sweep of a gravel drive framed by cypresses and a manicured lawn , it will usher you elegantly to the ball .
6 A great family such as the Milettis is like a sleeping bear : it may look massively apathetic and unimpressionable but each hair of its pelt is wired straight into the creature 's brain , and if you twitch it the wrong way the thing will flex its tendons and turn on you , unzipping its claws .
7 Erm , but bear in mind you know , this works best if you work it the way that you want to work it .
8 Because that way it stays on if you do it the other way it 'll drop off it 's as simple as that , okay , cover the pad and as you spiral up the arm all you need to do is to cover about two thirds of what you 've just done before , just like a spiral , you find the bandages , the more you use those roller bandages of yours the worse they get to control because they lose their , you know , nice and stretchiness , so you just do , cover up the pad at the top , tie always on the top of the arm never underneath here .
9 How would you , if you had to do that if you do it the easy way , do n't do it the hard way , how would you do that ?
10 Erm ha having gone through that you moved on er and gave out your business card fi first and then the buyer 's guide erm do n't know whether you 're happy doing it that way or whether it 's better round the other way , I I , you , you tend to think if you give somebody the buyer 's guide first when they start to look at it you give them your business card and take it away , perhaps if you do it the other way round they might s start reading the buyer 's guide
11 Excellent voice I mean worth an A Bill , brilliant if you do that , but I mean I 'm not , I know speaking to sort of Charles and Tom and Alan , they say that sort of recommendation referrals in Norwich are very difficult but I think if you do it the right way
12 and er , if you do it the other way
13 If you do it the way Bill says .
14 Okay they 're the straightforward ones if you do it the other way round if you differentiate cos you 'll get minus sine .
15 If you If you paid it The Co was up on the Tuesday , you had to have it paid Most people tried to pay it for the Thursday and that was the turn of the leaf , on the Thursday and if you paid that then you could go straight away that day and get your new quarter stuff , for the next quarter .
16 I have heard there are more than two ways you can have it and it works out cheaper the more you get if you have it the other way .
17 If you increase the amount of reward the rats run faster than rats that have always received the large reward and if you decrease it the reverse happens ; the rats run more slowly than those that have always had the small reward .
18 Round and round , and back again , everything spins around , passing by if you missed it the first time .
19 A large fish on his or my line was always an occasion for excitement for Edwy and he would jump into the water with his gaff if he thought it the only way to land it .
20 The elements of the curriculum considered essential by LEAs were varied and some were reluctant to make any statement on this because they felt it the job of schools .
21 The vehicle was originally a petrol but before I bought it the engine was replaced with a Gold Seal factory rebuilt diesel unit .
22 And that 's because the third world is bigger than any other section whether you call it the first world or second world or whatever , and I think the first and second put together .
23 And when I saw it the other day , on my way from London 's West End , I could n't believe it .
24 When I saw it the other night , tucked inside the cello part of one of the piano trios we play , she had got as far as ‘ State 7 — Moderate Gale : Intervals of laughter .
25 I was bathing you , and I fetched a clean nappy , and when I unfolded it the letter dropped out , and we read it . ’
26 As I understand it the Cleveland structure plan proposes the same number of dwellings for erm its next period which happens to be fourteen years , as it did for the last fourteen of the of the previous structure plan , fifteen thousand seven hundred .
27 As I understand it the structure plan is based on an average density employment density of forty three .
28 Well as I understand it the er these lawyers for the defendants took the view that as all the statements had been prepared for the police complaints authority investigation , public immunity er yes er public interest immunity attached to them .
29 Erm I was rather interested by the comparisons which you explained a little earlier in the evidence erm if you 've got an aircraft which is er going to replace , as I understand it the Jaguar and the Phantom which has already been retired , er against which you 've been comparing the F three er and the G R four of the tornados and the harriers , then er that gives rise in my mind to the possibility that this is an aircraft which might replace all of these , in which case will that have consequences for the still er publicly declared intention to order two hundred and fifty , might we order more for example ?
30 Now as I understand it the minister 's position is that he be bound to refer that matter to the partner responsible for audit and that partner er would then be put on notice that er he ought to report it to the relevant authority .
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