Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] give the " in BNC.

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1 And he says it 's more than I 've given the others because they did have an increase .
2 Once you 've given the carpets a good going over , you can also use the Steamatic to add a sparkle to glass top tables , mirrors and mirrored wardrobe doors .
3 So once you 've given the them the lecture give
4 He said : ‘ Clay County wrenched the muscles in his quarters when dropping his hind legs in the water jump at Nottingham , so we decided to give the Cheltenham Festival a miss and let him have a long break .
5 If I had to give the best pen picture I could contrive of Harold Wilson , I would describe him as an immensely intelligent man , rather less — by my standards — than half-educated .
6 If someone starts to give the impression that it is our home and the residents are just people who come and live in it , then they usually do n't stay in the job , it 's as easy as that .
7 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
8 If you want to give the time … do n't unnecessarily expose yourself to danger
9 If you want to give the bookmark to a friend you could put their name on it .
10 If they had given the matter any thought , however , and some incident had alerted them to the dangers of being too relaxed , there was no doubt they would have strained every muscle to elude the worst poverty .
11 The landlord must be given an order for possession after the expiry of the term , provided he has given the requisite two months ' notice requiring possession , ideally from the landlord 's point of view expiring when the tenancy terminates .
12 No AE was permitted to sit down until he had given the manager a form for a bike ( so a courier could collect the client 's cheque ) , or for a TT ( telegraphic transfer from the -client 's bank to DPR 's ) , or for Red Star ( British Rail delivery : this was a comparatively slow method of payment .
13 Gary O'Donaghue who 's a blind student preparing to finish his final year at Christ Church in Oxford says the government 's plan will cause havoc if it 's given the go-ahead .
14 If he had given the speech that he gave at Bayeux in June 1946 a year earlier , he could have turned the October 1945 referendum and elections into a referendum on his own views .
15 If he needed to give the object of his desire the slip , he would have to hide in steerage or the boiler room .
16 I have got to know him : he would not go round there unless she had given the all clear . ’
17 Anyway , I will risk it , not because I want to give the fish a chance ; I do not believe in giving any fish a chance , I go to the races when I want to gamble .
18 ‘ She told me she always put the most beautiful girls next to Bernard when setting the table for a party , and that I should do the same , because you want to give the best to the man you love . ’
19 Eliciting these principles from participants is complex , because they tend to give the prioritized principles .
20 If each member of the legislature who votes for a checkerboard compromise does so not because he himself has no principles but because he wants to give the maximum possible effect to the principles he thinks right , then how has anyone behaved irresponsibly ?
21 Mixed , she said , because it had given the theatre the opportunity to invite P.L. O'Hara to step into the breach .
22 Sainsbury hope to build a store on United Bus company land at Grange Road , but owners Caldaire say they can not afford to sell the land because it has to give the Government a fixed percentage of the sale .
23 All the best rocking horses have heads which look to the left or right , and this angling is well worth the small extra trouble since it does give the finished horse a little more ‘ life ’ .
24 Who are you going to hand the presentation over to , after you have given the introduction ? ’ he asked quietly .
25 And you know , you always you er give , gave your number you see and er course some people I believe had an a I believe in later days they 'd given the older numbers out again , I do n't know wh you know , because some people that 've joined since me have got an older number , so I do n't know whether they 've given the ol they were sort of long since run out , you know .
26 A precedent for this was years ago when the famous collector of Greek origin , George Kostakis , was allowed to leave the Soviet Union with a considerable part of his collection of Russian Avant-garde after he had given the most interesting pieces to the Tretyakov Gallery ( for part of his memoirs , see The Art Newspaper , No. 21 , October 1992 , pp. 20–22 ) .
27 When I , when I come to practice management then , when I 've given the books out , I 'll probably them out to do the exam .
28 Needing the number of a firm in Guildford ( Candy Domestic Equipment ) I had waited for five minutes for the inquiry people to answer , been cut short when I attempted to give the address and then handed out two minutes of silence .
29 Charles became quite hopeful again when she promised to give the matter her attention the very next morning .
30 As soon as she had given the injection she massaged the area briskly to help the dispersal of the drug .
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