Example sentences of "[subord] [art] [noun sg] over [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Rights of Way Act 1932 provides that where a way over land had been actually enjoyed by the public as of right and without interruption for a full period of 20 years , the way shall be deemed to have been dedicated as a highway , unless there is sufficient evidence that there was no intention during the 20-year period to dedicate it .
2 Initially many central banks made the best of a bad job by loaning the dollars to borrowers in Europe via the so-called Euromarkets , where a premium over US interest rates could be obtained .
3 In the second of her reports on Europe , Kim Barnes looks at the prospects for our farmers , and their hopes for a more secure future once the wrangling over Maastricht is over .
4 No harrying is recorded for 992 , although a victory over part of the English navy is , and in 993 there were raids around the mouth of the Humber , and Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast was sacked .
5 However , most definitions of poverty are based in terms of relative deprivation ( ie deprivation relative to others in the community , rather than a comparison over time or between countries ) .
6 The war was unlikely to become much more than a dispute over frontier posts , in which success would depend to a considerable extent on winning the support of the Indians who lived in the wide area between the colonies .
7 Yarnell launched 150 of his aircraft which arrived in less than an hour over Oahu , he now had the capability of destroying the ships that lay in Pearl Harbor .
8 However , the dispute reflects more the growing mistrust between the two sides rather than an argument over visas and numbers .
9 In fact it is complicated , immensely so , because the sum over paths or histories is a gigantic and rather ill-defined notion .
10 The summation over in equation ( 7 ) refers to all available fractional-order Bragg beams at a given incidence energy , while the summation over k refers to the available energy or k range for which these intensities have been measured ; the summations are used in place of the integrals used in treating intensity maps as holograms .
11 The company 's spokesman , Paddy Carson — a verbose Irishman with an impressive lay command of environmental issues — says that since the row over Probe 's involvement , Loblaws has been deluged with letters of support from concerned consumers .
12 The reason must be that since the dispute over women had reached a critical phase by the end of 1909 , very few girl apprentices were taken on after that .
13 Yet it remains that , for the first time in 15 years and since the controversy over abortion , opinions are divided so haphazardly that traditional political alliances have ceased to operate .
14 Whilst the conflict over Reagan 's diaries was in progress , a parallel struggle was being fought over Poindexter 's efforts to subpoena Reagan as a witness and to force him to testify in person at the trial .
15 The Mourneview defender who stormed out and demanded a transfer after a bust-up over training says : ‘ The club is in the wrong and must be prepared to admit the mistake and put it right . ’
16 Thus , at the end of April , as the battle over budget-cutting came to a head in the House with members asked to choose between the Democratic-controlled Budget Committee package and the administration-sponsored Gramm-Latta substitute , O'Neill , ‘ threw in the towel two days before the actual vote . ’
17 Catherine , Mary noted , was especially quick to challenge George 's generalisations by reference to a local situation : Mary herself kept not so much a watch as a guard over Hope 's words .
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