Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] any [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The other source of inspiration — and indeed guidance — for the research was an experiment by William Hayward and his colleagues at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York ( Nature , vol 290 , p 475 ) , Their work on a virus-induced lymphoma of birds inspired the researchers to look specifically for the myc gene — rather than for any of the 13 other known proto-oncogenes .
2 But security around the Governor remains much tighter than in any of the other Caribbean dependencies .
3 Methods of co-ordination and formal consultation were needed ; deputy heads acquired a new significance , and their number increased ; headship itself changed in character , more rapidly than in any of the last four centuries , and the language of management science supplanted simpler models of leadership or autonomy .
4 Big Percy Cherrett fed off him for two seasons but it was Peter Simpson who benefited most from the work of the talented left-winger and it is no coincidence that Peter scored more goals in each of the three seasons in which Clarke was his team-mate than in any of the succeeding campaigns .
5 It meant bad weather played a bigger part than in any of the previous four competitions .
6 Only 343 cases were diagnosed and reported in 1991 ( provisional data ) in men aged 15 years or over , fewer than in any of the preceding 10 years .
7 She is more vivid in that , more vital , than in any of the countless , expensive portraits Alexander had done of her .
8 In an election dominated by the unification issue , it was notable that combined share of the vote won by the CDU and its Bavarian sister-party , the Christian Social Union ( CSU ) , was only 43.8 per cent , a smaller percentage than in any of the West German general elections except that of 1949 .
9 But strip away the hype and there is more original thought , substance and strength than on any of the pre-Tabor offerings .
10 The questionnaire sent to all primary heads in July 1989 revealed that the combined resources of PNP were thought to have had far less impact on home-school links than on any of the programme 's other objectives .
11 In the characters of the divided dorsal arm plates and the oral papillae O. retecta bears a closer resemblance to Ophiochondrus armatus than to any of the other species of Ophiolebes .
12 If on any of the pay-days , your employee did not get any pay ( for example , if wages had been paid in advance at holiday time ) , the ‘ blank weeks ’ are still included in the calculation .
13 The list above is only meant to be indicative , and to it could be added those that are difficult to categorise because of their broad nature — loss of confidence , which could occur because of any of the above risks , but is also a risk in itself , and fraud .
14 You will probably find these locally in Woolworths etc. , as well as in any of the larger electronic component catalogues .
15 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex yesterday , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system : Unix System Laboratories Inc has been less encouraging of the university fraternity in recent years , and the move is intended to unsettle the Unix community ; Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
16 Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
17 ‘ For any person in the course of any trade or business , ( a ) to make a statement which he knows to be false ; or ( b ) recklessly to make a statement which is false ; as to any of the following matters … . ’
18 In Tanzania , for example , localism among the waChagga and waHaya is potentially as strong as among any of the major tribes of Zambia .
19 In Blackburn , when Queen Elizabeth and Clitheroe grammar schools meet for their annual contests , the fierce but friendly local rivalry is as intense as at any of the better-known great North-western derby matches .
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