Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gardiner Group , where Scantronic sold 15 p.c. and ASH sold 17 p.c. a year ago , was untouched at 25p .
2 Gardiner Group , where Scantronic sold 15 p.c. and ASH sold 17 p.c. a year ago , was untouched at 25p .
3 Only the whiteness of her knuckles as she gripped the steering-wheel more tightly than usual gave any indication of the stress from which she was suffering .
4 But in postoperative testing , both children were visually alert with full eye movements , although each showed intermittent strabismus .
5 The ‘ No Smoking ’ and seatbelt signs were on , although this made little difference to Myeloski who had clamped himself into his seat as soon as he had boarded the aircraft .
6 Although this made less appeal to Chinese taste than paler varieties , it was found useful for feeding a growing export market to the west .
7 Although this received some publicity , it did not compare with the media attention given a year or so later to the drug problems in Seoul .
8 There is little doubt that it was the labour shortage which caused the shift to leasing , but although this provided more revenue than persistence in demesne farming would have done it still left the landowner with reduced resources .
9 More than a hundred kids were wounded and more than 30 died last year . ’
10 It replaces the present system , where appeals are dealt with by the Department , with less than 10 made each year .
11 In the context of this paper it is very significant that of OECD 's 24 member states no less than 18 expressed strong interest in their proposal to identify educational policies which effectively support rural economic development .
12 cos that went this morning
13 There would quite rightly be an outcry if Labour took this course of action .
14 We would be foolish to join if that meant serious dislocation of our social , economic and unemployment situations .
15 Bragad had brought quite a few men with him — a dozen or so though some , of course , were Mugeary 's , if that made any difference .
16 I mean if this had all sort of come before left we 'd have got it through no problem
17 The doctor suggested that she might avoid milk , cheese and butter for a while , to see if this had any effect , and prescribed some tablets to give her extra calcium .
18 Cole wanted the WEA to maintain , and where necessary restore , its position as the educational representative of the working-class movement , responding to demands for classes by trade unions and other workers ' groups , even if this meant some reduction in the number of courses taught .
19 If this suggested close connection , between precision of meaning of a term or statement and the role played by that term or statement in a theory , is valid , then the need for coherently structured theories follows fairly directly from it .
20 The so-called ‘ wets ’ favoured an interventionist role for government in the economy and were prepared to increase state spending to boost employment , even if this risked some increase in inflation .
21 Certainly , an enormous amount of unproductive work could have been saved if phenomenological analyses were first performed to ‘ see ’ if this supposed psychological state actually existed … ( p. 1236 ) .
22 There is no point in blaming MacSharry , because that happened last year .
23 The tribes of Todas and Veddahs stuck in Eliot 's mind for at least fifteen years because both had little sense of the meaning of their religious ceremonies .
24 While this made eminent sense for production efficiency in wartime , it was very much apparent to the British that this would give the United States a natural advantage when the war ended .
25 One sole practitioner argued that ‘ private clients must take the risk of a business default by a solicitor as they must with any other business ’ ; whilst another commented that capping would be justified ‘ now that solicitors have been turned into a trade with the main considerations being commercial ’ .
26 It is difficult to decide whether this reflected cynical disregard for foreign public opinion or gross political naïveté .
27 Whether this struck some kind of patriotic chord or there were some powers at work behind the scenes , Curtis was merely fined £50 .
28 When this became general knowledge later , there was general unease at this way of measuring the background ; the neutron flux 50 metres away from the cell measured for 50 hours could be very different than that at the cell site , even if the cell had been absent , measured for a different 50 hours .
29 But when this produced little response , she brought the palm of her hand in short slaps on each side of the pale cheeks , and when Agnes gulped at the air , she cried at her , ‘ That 's it !
30 The way of working therefore should be to negotiate long term visitors with regions on the present ‘ bidding ’ system as this gave enough space to work through the Coordinators with the opportunity of a regional strategy for using the visitor .
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