Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since all the schools follow the same teaching plan and since the content of the programme followed by children in the early years is less demanding academically than that followed by adolescents , it is easy to argue that teachers in the lower grades require less training .
2 Mr Lawson told the conference that the damage inflicted by high inflation would be far worse than that sustained by home owners and businesses through high interest rates .
3 The mean risk rating given in the Groeger and Chapman study was in fact considerably higher than that given by subjects in this experiment ( mean=3.66 , s.d. =0.74 as opposed to mean=2.15 , s.d. =0.50 ) .
4 There is no good reason for it other than that given by Bertrand Russell in that more troubled decade : ‘ The world in which we are now living would have seemed , before 1945 , too horrible to be endured .
5 The process of information-gathering which ensued was certainly no more radical than that sanctioned by Nicholas I when he set up the Committee of 6 December 1826 .
6 When Toyota , Japan 's largest automotive group , announced in 1989 its intention to construct a plant at Burnaston , near Derby , the reaction to it was far more favourable than that received by Nissan eight years previously .
7 Ltd. v. Conservators of the River Thames ( 1899 ) 15 T.L.R. 474 Phillimore J. held that the steamship company was entitled to recover a charge for making use of the conservators ' pier facilities which was greater than that authorised by statute , the ground being simply that there was no consideration for the payment without any further reasoning .
8 This was a higher contribution to economic growth than that made by capital stocks .
9 You note that the American murder rate is consistently four or five times worse than that suffered by West European countries and that 60% of American murders are committed with firearms .
10 While the ebb and flow to this point had been absorbing stuff , the ensuing capitulation was nothing short of astonishing , far more dramatic and conclusive than that suffered by England two years ago ; but still never totally unexpected on a pitch showing wear and uneven bounce in equal measure .
11 The darkness made this a more hazardous stretch than that undertaken by Dean Miller , or if not more hazardous , more frightening .
12 Whilst most packages do now support PostScript there now versions of PostScript other than that created by Adobe !
13 Heber 's study , the Post said , ‘ revealed not that mental deficiencies are passed on genetically , but that mentally retarded mothers tend to create an environment that is less conducive to mental development than that created by slum neighbours of normal intelligence , ’ The New York Times told its readers : ‘ The Milwaukee Project , an experiment in intensive preschool education for ( potentially retarded ) children , has proved that they can be raised more than 30 test points higher than other children from the same environment and with the same type of mother . ’
14 The conception of social determination introduced by the social constructionists is a much more total determination than that entertained by Mannheim .
15 Moreover , the duty owed to the applicant may well be higher in certain areas than that indicated by Megarry V.C.
16 The bumping produced by taboo is subtler and more insidious than that felt by Pooh 's head and , although painless , is just as potent in its power to inhibit thought .
17 Although the total viewing audiences were significantly less than that achieved by association football , this , it is suggested , is partially to be explained by the differences in transmission times , for , unlike the soccer event , no ‘ significant ’ matches were played during the peak television viewing times of the day .
18 In 1908 the Congregational Union agreed a minimum of £120 ( £30 less than that recommended by Mearns in 1886 ) .
19 When the faeces are finally expelled , many studies have shown that this waste matter has a higher calorie content than that excreted by people following a normal Western diet containing refined carbohydrates .
20 The magnitude of difference , however , was far less marked than that reported by others .
21 The BrdU index obtained in this material was higher than that reported by Risio et al , and lower than that reported in other studies .
22 This is higher than that reported by Leung et al .
23 Decisions then emerge in ways more complex than that posited by Quinn ( 1978 , 1980 ) and yet there has to be a justification of major decisions made both inside and outside the organization .
24 Be that as it may , this work , heavily reliant on repetition and never straying far from the home key , cried out for someone to nurture its more lyrical passages , to shake its often delightful phrases , to exploit its contrasts ; in short , for a far more imaginative approach than that brought by Harry Christophers .
25 Equation ( 5.30 ) is the aggregate supply curve : firms will produce more output if the price level is higher than that expected by workers or their trade union .
26 Employers ' and parents interpretations may diverge even more widely , particularly as the level of detail these groups are likely to be able or willing to handle will be broader than that used by teachers .
27 ADD argue that their method of dealing with the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy is simpler than that used by Barro ( 1977a ) , in which the equivalent fiscal variable is government expenditure relative to its normal level .
28 Less profound latent inhibition than that shown by subjects given pre-exposure to A alone would constitute evidence for overshadowing of latent inhibition .
29 Thus , the population as a whole should require only a small risk premium , much smaller than that required by executives in an individual company who may face personal disaster if the project turns sour .
30 However , ICI 's new initiative will provide more comprehensive information than that required by law or by the regulating authorities .
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