Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where formed by divergent plate movement they are described as rifted margins , but where the motion between two adjacent continental blocks has been transform they are called sheared margins ( but note that the term rifted margin is often applied rather loosely to passive margins of any type ) .
2 Increased earnings , grabbed as a result of strike action rather than earned by increased productivity and profitability had always been subsequently eaten away by inflation .
3 It has often provided dates where there was previously no method of dating available at all , and for many periods , accuracy to the nearest century or so is far better than produced by previous dating methods .
4 But that would be more than offset by other tax increases as Mr Lamont looks for extra funds to tackle the ballooning PSBR deficit , likely to be about £45 billion next year .
5 If it did , it would find that temporary gain in speed of advance would be more than offset by eventual loss .
6 However , if the old debt is left in place rather than replaced by new money , ss 238 , 239 and 245 of the Insolvency Act 1986 need to be considered .
7 Ahead of these comprehensive reforms , it was proposed to treble bread prices on July 1 , 1990 , albeit accompanied by compensatory wage or pension increases .
8 It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export led rather than led by domestic consumption .
9 It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption .
10 Without doubt weeding of research collections by imprint date is cheaper to carry out than weeding by past circulation — a point established , for scientific materials at least , by Raffell and Shishko in Systematic analysis of university libraries .
11 On the other hand , it is likely to be more than counterbalanced by heightened household poverty within the larger poorer families , and an overall reduction in local-government spending as a large proportion of expenditure will be controlled by central government .
12 Awareness , although aided by propositional knowledge , is primarily of the concrete situation , to which one can not attend without being causally affected , so that to have become aware of it at all one must already be responding to it in ways which vary with the range and degree of awareness .
13 Reunion of Nam Bo with the north would be accepted by France if ratified by popular referendum .
14 If dated by conventional radiocarbon , it would have been totally destroyed during measurement .
15 These systems will also make considerable savings in staff time if used by appropriate Garden staff as project design and scheduling aids .
16 Mersey MP says he will force byelection if ousted by left Reselection tussle threatens Labour rift .
17 The 70 seater trolleybuses experienced no less difficulty in negotiating Pitlake Corner into Lower Church St. than the bogie trams had done and the signal lights were retained until replaced by ordinary traffic lights .
18 However , Riha points out , Russia an instrument by which popular will , even if filtered by restrictive suffrage , could be expressed in legislation .
19 Presently , as if seized by sudden revelation , Flavia put down her knife and fork .
20 Though generally tight at outcrop today , these formations in the subsurface might not have been cemented if protected by early hydrocarbon migration .
21 In the developing world , the preservation of schedule and service independence through some degree of national ownership , even if linked by commercial alliance to one of the major carriers — rather than abdication of this responsibility to others — will safeguard against having those air lines become the casualty of a bottom line result in a distant board room in London , Atlanta or Paris .
22 Employers , the government and the president of the Bundesbank all warned that the level of this settlement could lead to unemployment in the steel industry and , if imitated by other trade unions , to inflation and higher interest rates .
23 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
24 SDF participation in peacekeeping operations which might require military action was frozen until authorized by separate legislation .
25 as if struck by invisible lightning , she felt her whole body tense and prickle with reaction .
26 The history and clinical signs are often sufficient for the diagnosis of the acute syndrome especially if supported by faecal worm egg counts .
27 This is sometimes quite difficult if funded by governments , but even more so if funded by bilateral aid , where the donor may have its own ideas on the subject .
28 But there it is , and outside and foreign firms will put money in , especially if subsidized by temporary government measures , for as you know , public investment in private industry is judged to be ideologically correct , while public investment for public and community concerns is judged ideologically to be harmful , but the firms are interested in making money out of the region if I may so put it , not in sustaining world promotion and healthy living in the region .
29 If confirmed by longitudinal analysis this would indicate that the ageing of the population over the next decade need not automatically bring an increase in the number of people with health problems and who require care .
30 They agreed to extract oil quickly , but argued they would not be able to do so if hindered by trifling safety regulations that applied to on-shore industries .
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