Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the seller 's point of view , rather than expose himself to the vagaries of litigation , and the need to negotiate with each buyer as to exactly what remedies are appropriate in each case , it is preferable to set out a specific and detailed procedure which deals with the remedying of defects .
2 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
3 Of course , you may prefer to choose outside alliances rather than restrict yourself to the family , but in times of hardship the family may be more dependable .
4 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
5 Surely it is better for them to strive to be literate than to engage themselves in the fruitless task of emulating the speech of the hearing .
6 Like his men , he has made a blanket-roll to carry immediate necessities rather than burdening himself with a blanket bag or other form of knapsack .
7 Such investors tended to come in when stocks were exchanged rather than present themselves at the moment of initiation .
8 The hole may twist and turn and the ferret will do no more than tie itself to the root while simply passing along the burrow .
9 Rather than concerning itself with the way in which the properties of this structure emerge from its components , it takes the structure as given and asks how it reproduces itself and changes .
10 The conference decided that the ANC would , at this stage , remain a liberation movement rather than transform itself into a political party .
11 The touchline was the launchpad — more so against Ireland than France — of some of Scotland 's best driving mauls and highlighted the danger of players swelling defensive ranks rather than committing themselves to the maul .
12 What better way to unwind at the end of a frantic week than treating yourself to an hour or two of pure pampering ?
13 Remembering my conversations with him at the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1976 , it was clear that he wanted fresh fields to conquer , that he thought he had more than proved himself as a racing driver and that he thought he could , with no great difficulty , follow a Bruce McLaren , for instance , and make his own way in cars of his own .
14 In Rome , the Iranian chargé d'affaires rushed off to the seaside rather than commit himself to the Shah 's uncertain cause .
15 Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner .
16 ‘ I guess some of us ‘ types ’ have better things to do with our lives than dedicate ourselves to the attraction of the opposite sex . ’
17 There are not many harsher disappointments in county cricket than finding yourself on the outside looking in , as was the case with another Robinson — Phil — at the start of this season following his acrimonious departure from Yorkshire .
18 There are plenty of other ways than throwing yourself from a walkway . ’
19 The shorter this is , the more sense it makes to take the lump sum , rather than deny yourself for a longer-term pension that you will not be around to enjoy .
20 ‘ We all of us have something better to do than concern ourselves with the tantrums of servants ! ’
21 All of them were sitting forward in their seats , as if bracing themselves for a collision .
22 ‘ No , no , ’ the Finnish detective said , shaking his head as if to rid himself of the last remnants of misunderstanding .
23 For a moment , he almost wished he were at home , but then he shook his head as if to rid himself of the thought .
24 It snorted , and carefully raised its hind leg and straightened it as if to rid itself of an encumbrance .
25 Slowly , the guide bent down , as if to steel himself for the fight .
26 The eagles talked less now and fell into their own thoughts as if preparing themselves for the dark months ahead .
27 That ’ s our stupidity , ’ he said sadly as if unburdening himself of a great guilt .
28 Oswald sat up , shaking his head as if freeing himself from a trance .
29 Still , the application of different principles of design at the two ends could be accounted for in one man 's work : either by supposing that he saw and was overwhelmed by the Theseion mural between designing the east and designing the west ; or , perhaps more convincingly , that he felt a traditional , sculptural style proper to the entrance-front while allowing himself at the back to experiment with a new pictorial interest .
30 John Arthur Johnson was born in 1878 and worked on a milk wagon , in livery stables , in bakers ' shops , at Galveston docks and in various other occupations while establishing himself as a boxer of some distinction .
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