Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] was to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This rebellion had two main foci : the Viceroyalties of the Rio de la Plata and of New Granada , where resistance was to be symbolized by Bolívar , the greatest of the liberators of Latin America .
2 His objective was to challenge what he called ‘ the liberal theory of the state ’ which ‘ assumed that in political society where anarchy was to be avoided there must be a supreme authority which gives orders to all and receives orders from none ’ .
3 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
4 The Declaration envisaged the abolition of all tariffs within the zone , although Ecuador was to be permitted to dismantle its strongly protectionist system in two stages — 50 per cent of its tariffs would be lifted by the end of 1991 , and the remainder by June 30 , 1992 .
5 In 1911 the inaugural conference of the National Council of Public Morals ( NCPM ) announced that prevention rather than punishment was to be the keynote in the regeneration of the nation 's moral life .
6 Although McGregor was to be paid £50 000 , the same as the man he replaced , the British government had to pay Lazard Freres $4.1m. over five years to compensate them for losing McGregor .
7 If communism was to be contained , then the economic weaknesses and poverty which could help it to develop in Western Europe had to be removed .
8 Richmondshire District Council said it was forced to bring in charges if money was to be found to maintain existing car parks and create new ones .
9 Kalim Siddiqui , the outspoken leader of the Muslim ‘ parliament ’ , also agreed that wider forces had to be tackled if racism was to be stamped out .
10 It was odd , Lucinda thought , that men should be doing a job more suited to women , but this was a real ship , was n't it , on which , if Molly was to be believed , women had yet to establish themselves .
11 Accordingly , policies were re-written and strategies revised , firstly , to reflect the changes needed if Labour was to be kept at bay , and , secondly , to accommodate the non-Labour supporters of the old Liberal Party within the modern Conservative party .
12 The country 's draft National Forestry Action Plan , drawn up with the help of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , concluded that if Indonesia was to be self-sufficient in wood for its burgeoning paper industry , new pulpwood plantations would have to be developed .
13 If force was to be " used , it would be with the authorization of the full chain of command to Allied Forces Headquarters .
14 If Ramsey was to be Archbishop of Canterbury , what was wrong with leaving him in the weighty see of Durham until the day came ?
15 Plaice , then , and two helpings — better make it three if Faustina was to be included — perhaps ‘ portions ’ was the word — and some chips .
16 Thus if mining was to be stopped throughout Mayo , it had to be stopped here first .
17 Angela Cartwright , as chairman of the local Party , explained the procedure for calling a Special General Meeting if Grunte was to be de-selected , and the meeting adjourned after Carole Swan said she would take soundings among members of the Party after the conference .
18 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
19 From the outside it looked like a bank ( and with good reason , if Wayne was to be believed : ‘ That guy , ’ Wayne said , ‘ he 's raking it in ’ ) .
20 If Lamarckism was discredited , then some entirely new mechanism would have to be suggested if evolution was to be seen as a truly natural process .
21 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
22 The court and the court clerk accepted that if evidence was to be called and witnesses cross-examined , then the hearing was , in effect , a trial , and that two justices would be necessary .
23 If knowledge was to be imparted that might threaten me , then it was time to show a clean pair of heels and , perhaps , indulge in some honest lechery . )
24 If estoppel was to be relied on , it ought , I think , to have been estoppel by representation .
25 He was quite acute , if Amy was to be believed .
26 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
27 It was the British proposals which , as much as anything , stalled Scandinavian discussions on a Nordic common market , for if Britain was to be fortunate in its attempt to forge something beyond the Europe of the Six , the Nordic states would have little choice other than to follow the British lead .
28 It seemed to her that if love was to be great it had to be paid for with a terrible price .
29 In addition , we saw that if Christianity was to be made the source of values this would create a logical inconsistency in Professor Hayek 's defence of the spontaneous order .
30 One was the recognition that leadership was of prime importance if discipline was to be maintained and armies kept together as teams rather than as collections of individuals .
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