Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb past] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Although it was relatively ineffective , the fact that it was considerably safer than mercury meant that it remained in the pharmacopoeia of many countries until the twentieth century .
2 On Aug. 21 Nikolai Zhurbenko and Pavel Creanga , the heads of the commission monitoring the Dnestr ceasefire , reported that large numbers of arms had been surrendered and that warring groups had mostly disbanded , although Zhurbenko said that it was too soon for peacekeeping forces to be withdrawn .
3 Over 50 people were killed in unrest across the country in the period Aug. 2-4 , although police said that it was not clear whether all the deaths were related to the strike .
4 In these areas 20 per cent of the farms sampled indulged in farm tourism , but most farmers saw it as a supplement rather than as an alternative to farm income , although Davies argued that it could be a much more profitable use of the farms ' resources .
5 But then , as another hazard , this time in the shape of plant machinery on the road , was negotiated , so Fabia saw that it was hardly fair to bombard Ven with questions when he must by far prefer that she keep quiet and leave him to concentrate on his driving .
6 When they arrived at Auckland Alexander asked them for the silver and his Presence was such that they did not dare to tell him that they had no silver , so Joan said that it was ‘ in the bank ’ .
7 She felt entirely responsible for the accident although Berg croaked that it was all his own fault .
8 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
9 IF HEINZ announced that it uses people to test the taste of its baked beans , who 'd be surprised ?
10 Whereupon Johnson observed that it did not necessarily follow ‘ that a man who has written a good poem on an art , has practised it ’ , citing excellently instructive verses on cider by a man never known to have made any .
11 It looks as if sex evolved because it 's in the interest of genes to constantly be re-combined self interest not always in company with the same others may want to be er mixing themselves up , so they launch themselves in continually different combinations , and this presumably each gene what , what , what is happening is a constant filtering process all the time , by means of which natural selection is working on basically random changes in the final point I want to make and that 's
12 The open-ended commitment to a vastly expensive discretionary scheme for criminal injuries compensation , sanctioned by statute in 1988 but not yet brought into force at the time of writing , was a particular Treasury bête noire , leading to pressure to cut back on other things if Ministers maintained that it was politically unacceptable to curtail the cost .
13 Ahmed : I must say that I did n't think much of the group when it was first set up because f felt that it wasted a lot of time whinging about all the things that were ‘ being handed to the Black workers on a plate because anti-racism was currently fashionable ’ .
14 On the IBM Corp dividend , it 's going to be a nailbiting month for holders of the shares , because IBM said that it will address the issue at its next regularly scheduled board meeting , which will take place sometime in January .
15 BSL was discouraged because people felt that it would chain the deaf person to a concrete , visual mode of thinking .
16 ‘ As far as actually ‘ working out ’ is concerned , I 've been doing a lot this year , but not since rehearsals began because it 's just been so crazed .
17 While Timbury recommended that it was preferable that these be provided in association with small geriatric hospitals , it was recognised that some of these may be provided " free standing " in the community .
18 Bush said that the agreement " brings us to the threshold of a new world , a world of hope and opportunity " , while Yeltsin said that it would make the world " more attractive , more human , kinder " .
19 Next morning , the pair took the air of Montrose ; they saw the church , since replaced with another ; the town hall had ‘ a handsome fabrick with a portico ’ , wrote Johnson ( it still has ) , while Boswell noted that it had a ‘ good dancing-room , and other rooms for tea-drinking ’ .
20 Wolfgang Berghofer , the popular mayor of Dresden and an SED-PDS deputy chairman , was one of 40 officials to leave the party on Jan. 20 , while others demanded that it be disbanded .
21 When factory industry began to take over , however , the mills were built at Hebden Bridge below , to take advantage of the water-power provided by the river and the transport facility of the canal , so Hebden Bridge grew fast into a busy mill town whilst Heptonstall remained as it had always been .
22 Lorentz spoke of the film 's brilliance whilst Photoplay suggested that it had come ‘ as near to reproducing reality as anything you have ever witnessed ’ .
23 This practice was stopped after review indicated that it was not of diagnostic value in our hands .
24 The development work is n't thought to be linked to Sun in any formal way , but the news comes just a week after Sun revealed that it is playing with a 64-bit Sparc , and outlined its intent to define the ground rules for such environments through a new release of Sparc International 's interface specification for 64-bit Sparc architectures ( UX No 380 ) .
25 The error was spotted after work began and it cost £70,000 to raise the bridge .
26 ‘ Not really , because we wrote the songs before Phil left and it is n't our new drummer on the album , apart from one track ; it 's a mystery subscriber on the other tracks . ’
27 Since choreographers discarded the conventions which kept ‘ ballet dancing ’ in a straight jacket ( after Fokine taught that it was ‘ the whole body that dances ’ , not merely the legs ) , the classical vocabulary has provided ideal material on which to build for those who understand its technique .
28 ‘ My aunt in America sent us a photo of herself in a black dress after Grandad died and it was very plain .
29 The announcement of his departure came just one day after Barclays revealed that it is to look outside the bank for a new chief executive to take over some of the powers presently held by chairman and chief executive , Andrew Buxton .
30 Meanwhile the country loses control over vital assets , as Mexico did when it exchanged shares in one of its biggest manufacturing companies — Grupo Alfa , against a reduction of several hundred million dollars in its debts .
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