Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where Ann wrote it for last year , for my ri
2 The final activities were another guided tour , back at Wharf Station , where Graham showed us round the museum that he played a central role in setting up .
3 At last she reached Broom House and rushed into the surgery , where Helen greeted her with evident relief .
4 Have we been expelled from an arcadia of fun where nature provided us with innocent automata , lowing and braying machines for our amusement ?
5 An off night , I assured him , as we re-traced our twenty-mile drive to Palm Beach , where Robin wrapped himself in a blanket in front of the TV , soothing his cold turkey by watching videos of the local comedians , while I made a mental note to move my life and family to a flat above 42nd Street .
6 Do nt know about Strandli , but he has been on loan to Start ( Norway 1st Div side — where leeds bought him from ) .
7 Soon , however , we were into long stretches of powder and spring snow where Andrew videoed us in action .
8 Where Barrie tortured himself with Victorian fears about his own adult sexuality , Spielberg flagellates himself for Sixties selfishness and Eighties careerism ( Spielberg himself is one of the baby-boom generation , and divorced ) .
9 It was a mixture of strange colours and the knitted ties felt scratchy where Gloria knotted them under Dot 's chin .
10 They did not stay long , because her drowsiness began to increase , and a short time later they left to go in search of Women 's Surgical , where Stella greeted them with pleased surprise .
11 Then , on one wonderful day , it became the key to that magic box where infinity welcomed her to the crystal harmony of the spheres .
12 Bristol no more needed a direct link with Hamburg than Hull needed one with Ireland , while London could , as Jackson has put it , " perform for Britain the entrepot functions which Britain was later to perform for Europe " .
13 Only 13% ( 26 ) spoke to their spouse about it , and fewer than 10% mentioned it to another family member or friend .
14 The saxophonist 's widow refused to lie in Ken and Rhoda 's bed , so Ken offered it to Bernard and Ellen : they took the offer , rightly , as a gesture of approval , and the four of them carried it one very early morning from No. 97 to No. 93 .
15 Although Pond praised him as a ‘ middle-class Englishman … the personification of all their sterling traits and sturdy characteristics ’ , there were problems over whether or not he should have taken a fee for giving a eulogy on his friend , Henry Ward Beecher , at Beecher 's Brooklyn church .
16 It was already half full with stagnant rain water , so Mildred filled it to the brim , then carried it back to the yard window-sill , collecting her broomstick on the way .
17 Immediately Tom dragged him from under the blanket and he began barking and chasing his tail .
18 So Ballater sold it to you ? ’ he said ‘ I see , ’ He added , I think the kitten had burnt its tongue . ’
19 Although Barrett described himself as an ‘ antiques dealer ’ , the way he handled Miss Prinsep had more in common with the foot-in-the-door techniques employed by what the Sussex police wearily refer to as the ‘ knocker boys ’ .
20 The woman opposite stuck her feet out too , so Philip pulled his in under his chair .
21 Haydn was ill and could not complete his commission in time , so Mozart finished it for him .
22 Anne felt that she would be willing to abandon the good times to settle down with John , although pride prevented her from admitting it .
23 However , Peter was anxious to be on the move again in the winter of 1983–84 , so Luton signed him for £15,000 .
24 Brideshead Revisited ( 1945 ) is a prime example , and , although Waugh wrote it in a spirit of retrospection , he also added in a preface of 1959 , ‘ It was impossible to foresee , in the Spring of 1944 , the present cult of the English country house . ’
25 Shelduck first bred in Sussex in 1904 but , although numbers established themselves round Chichester and Pagham Harbours fairly quickly , colonisation of the rest of the county has been slow and the breeding population is still mainly concentrated around these two harbours .
26 I gorged myself to the gills although Benjamin ordered me to be temperate with the wine .
27 Once Keith left it at the home of some guy he 'd had a one night stand with , and when he went back to get it he was so embarrassed he had sex with the guy again , which was a mistake for both of them .
28 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
29 The whole family dreaded going to court , so Theresa took them to an empty courtroom , showed them where everyone sat and explained what would happen .
30 The most promising newcomer was John Durward who is very interested in Scottish history , so Terry presented him with a book on it and a shield .
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