Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After the stridency and aggression of the school , the hate-mail , she was happy to find her temporary asylum in this gentle household where voices were never raised , where no one obsessively analysed her every sentence in the hope of detecting racist , sexist or fascist undertones , where words meant what they had meant for generations , where obscenities were unknown or at least unspoken , where there was the grace of good order symbolized for her in Mr Copley 's reading of the Church 's daily offices , Morning Prayer and Evensong .
2 I 'd just wanted to be somewhere where people knew what they were doing .
3 In November church bells were rung to celebrate the victory at El Alamein , and everyone felt that at last the war might be near the end , although Churchill told them they were wrong .
4 It seemed that once people met him they decided they were better off having him as a friend than an enemy .
5 Although Carolyn told herself she respected Clare , and the others , for the work they were doing , she was repelled by it .
6 That 's normal and that 's what Wendy has to learn to do or else it 's you know it 's it 's difficult for somebody else to if Ian did it he would have to get all the figures first .
7 On her way to the house she stopped off in the Campo San Maurizio to see if Annunziata had everything she needed for the dinner she was preparing to welcome Comfort , and discovered that the English post had arrived with a letter from George Wilson .
8 If fitzAlan heard it he gave no sign , just continued to watch her with narrowed , implacable eyes .
9 Yeah well only cos Matthew told him they were .
10 If Tom wanted her she would go to Tom , just to be with someone , to have someone to hold her in the night .
11 Manager Atkinson said : ‘ I thought QPR were having the better of the first half until Deano did what he 's good at — scoring a goal when there is not really anything on .
12 The Copts would object very strongly if Owen were to invade the church ; but if Mahmoud did it they would riot .
13 Okay so if you started off with cos X differentiated it it would give you minus sine X
14 If people told you he said that , it was to make you feel better .
15 She would n't like it if people knew what she was and she did n't know anything about them .
16 And if people remembered her they would not have known where she came from .
17 If Jack shot him he 'll be dead , ’ said Philip .
18 I did n't , until Bill mentioned it I missed it completely .
19 Sometimes , like now , she wondered if Francis knew what it was be in love .
20 We wake up during the night with desperate thoughts of what horrible people we are and how if others knew what we were really like they would never want to see us again .
21 Anyway , I dropped , I rang his office and then erm Alistare rang me on the mo I think , I think if Alistare rang me they could tell me that er if I did , or I , no I got the message
22 His wife is searching for the book because Ward told her he had it .
23 While he deliberated , Murray continued : ‘ I had the letter because Richard gave it me to post , sir .
24 I married Clive because Mummy told me he was suitable for me , and I had n't had a letter from Felipe for a long time …
25 I was OK till Marie told me she was going away , and now I feel all sad .
26 He 'd only agreed to go because Lily told him it was a musical and had walked out the moment Bernadette started sinking to her knees in the fields .
27 Cos he used to go shooting there and and they went in there and they should n't of done because Michael told them I 'd taken meadows back and he sa , he said when Tony told them , they , they 'd been there shooting he said well they 're , they 're out of bounds !
28 The tragedies of miscegenation have never been simple — ever since Othello did what he had to do to Desdemona .
29 I ca n't believe that it is only seven months since Lynn told me she had a four-year-old who was ‘ a really nice sort . ’
30 He decided to call it a day after doctors told him he had lost the other testicle .
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