Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , while in former times the responsible authorities strove their hardest to mitigate poverty , of circumstance and opportunity , by driving hard for high levels of education provision , low expectation still depressed educational achievement , and work-related training in industry continued to be low-grade — where employers allowed it to happen at all .
2 Enhancement can be experienced in any one or more of these areas , and where enhancement happens it needs nourishment .
3 Although Bellcore says it expects to finalise Release 1 by 1995 , Ovum reckons it will not be available until 1997 .
4 This manoeuvre exposed the Russian Fifth Army 's flank to Auffenberg 's Fourth Army , still advancing northward , so Conrad commanded it to turn about and strike at the left flank of the Russian Third Army .
5 The causes of Attila 's decision to attack Gaul in 451 are obscure , although legends explaining it circulated from very early on .
6 Dennis Hopper was even more determined than Fonda to make it work .
7 ‘ You got that sort of money ? ’ he said , ‘ even if Bert lets it go , he will want a pretty penny for it .
8 But not this last time cos Rose did it last time .
9 I knew that if Sandy won it gave him exemptions in the US the next year , the US Masters , Tournament of Champions , World Series .
10 On the question of whether the locomotive would be available to complete the double 8F' Cumbrian Mountain Express at the end of October , Mr Draper advised that the locomotive would be available if BR required it to complete this roster .
11 Rain said if Maureen did it suggested a powerful reason for her certainty that her father had died for political reasons .
12 If space permits it has been suggested that some departmental stocks of general reading books should be kept centrally , however this would be reviewed periodically as our long term aims for the library are achieved .
13 He liked her to phone him for two reasons — it kept his phone bills down and if Gina answered it proved that he was fancied .
14 According to the Wall Street Journal , former IBM Corp chairman John Akers is ‘ still technically an IBM employee , though he has lost his title , his board seat and his office at IBM 's Armonk , New York headquarters — he and his secretary have been quietly relocated to an IBM building in Stamford , Connecticut ; ’ we seem to recall something similar happening to an editor of the late lamented Datalink — first he was told he was no longer editor , but that there was a desk in Computing 's office — until Computing decided it needed it , whereupon a desk was found in the library , whereupon he resigned .
15 I do not know if Alex used it to court his Mary — he must have used something — ‘ The joke was unconscious but crowing laughter came from the young men beside the whisky jar .
16 At press time Sun was still chipping away at the price of the Tsunami Classic , so named because Sun expects it to become the standard by which all others are judged .
17 Hobson 's work is mainly remembered because Lenin used it to construct his own , quite distinct , theory of imperialism .
18 But it 's been done because people wanted it to happen , not because it 's been imposed upon them . ’
19 This claim was widely debated because Malthus used it to suggest that poverty and starvation were inevitable .
20 While Nottinghamshire said it had messages of support from local authorities across the country , legal experts sided with the Appeal Court .
21 Apple had claimed that Quorum had violated its intellectual property rights , while Quorum claimed it had avoided the infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights , including Apple 's .
22 They achieved this splendidly in the Scottish Cup semi-final and since Hearts allowed it to happen to them we had a memorably ghastly match .
23 Chevron 's swift counter-attack came a day after Pennzoil announced it had spent $2.1 billion to build up a nine per cent share stake in Chevron and said it planned to continue investing in the oil giant as a passive shareholder .
24 And so began a friendship that before Ellie knew it had become a courtship .
25 But the resistance has already scored an important propaganda victory against government forces , only a week after Vietnam said it had withdrawn all its troops from Cambodia .
26 Held , dismissing the appeal , that notwithstanding the wording of section 8(2) of the Finance Act 1986 W. Plc. was not a member of the self-regulating organisation Lautro for the purposes of the Act and had no right of appeal to Lautro under the provisions of Lautro 's 1988 Rules ; that Lautro had a duty to act fairly not only to its members but , in appropriate circumstances , to those appointed representatives on which , in accordance with its rules , an intervention notice was to be served ; but that , in determining whether those affected by an intervention notice should be permitted to make representations before the notice was served , Lautro had to balance their interests against the interests of investors pending a full inquiry ; and that , having decided to serve the notice as a matter of urgency , Lautro should not be burdened with the necessity to decide whether time permitted it to receive representations before it served the notice ( post , pp. 575C–G , 576A–C , 577C–D , 579E — 580A , D — 581B , 582E ) .
27 And when Ward said it had n't the range , Gómez replied sharply , ‘ But I think it has .
28 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
29 It has important implications in this context of group psychology , for Freud thinks it helps to make sense of the emotional activity in groups .
30 It will be picked off when fear makes it try to flee .
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