Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Extrusive igneous activity is more commonly referred to as volcanism and occurs where magma erupts on to the surface either as flowing lava , or as fragmental material thrown into the air by explosive volcanic activity .
2 There was more drama to follow in the actual race , where Shemaka held on by a nose from Baya .
3 This could be converted into a worldwide trip , so Roland went on to the ‘ Hot Spot ’ to try and get around the world in 80 seconds answering as many questions as possible .
4 Unfairly , Sandra is still best known in Britain as ‘ Madonna 's best friend ’ , the possible — but in the end rather improbable — lesbian love interest that titillated the tabloids for a while until Maddy moved on to other mock shocks .
5 What about if T goes on for about erm one second , when it 's going to be equal to V M one minus E to the minus one .
6 Talk ought to go on , even if murder went on at the same time ; at the sideboard Twomey turned his back before he smiled .
7 Two thousand homes could be powered by electricity from the wind if experiments going on in a farmer 's field prove successful .
8 If things go on like this , there will be no doormen and that will make it even worse , ’ he said .
9 If things carried on at this pace , she and Johnny would find themselves meeting every day .
10 Even if Hanson holds on to the British end of the ARC operation , it still has a long list of ConsGold assets to offload including :
11 Betty thanked her for the bucket and smiled at her , and Lydia , who , if Betty went on like this , might turn out to be quite human , decided that she would take her her breakfast in bed in the morning : thin crispy toast with a scraping of butter and golden clear jasmine tea , and an egg-cupful of harebells to remind her of the sky .
12 You went in to get the package while Ibrahim went on to the river — was that it ? ’
13 For three days , while Asmar lingered on in a Beirut hospital , Coleman stayed in the apartment and slept with a gun under his pillow .
14 ‘ You told me , Hugh , what the priest 's man of Upton said , how he parted from Aldhelm at Preston , while Aldhelm went on to the ferry . ’
15 The intra-Christian fighting of the first half of 1990 did not result in any tangible changes in territorial control over the enclave ; the LF maintained control of Jounieh and Jubail areas to the north of Beirut as well as the East Beirut quarters of Ashrafieh and Karantina , while Aoun held on to the area around the Baabda Presidential palace , where he himself was based , and around Ras al Metn and the southern entrances to East Beirut .
16 He went on ahead while Willie staggered on after him .
17 At this final glimpse , he was going to join a new mistress in Pisa , while Clairmont went on to Florence , then shrouded in thick fog .
18 At sixteen , Coleby left school with two ‘ O ’ levels , while Peter went on to the sixth form .
19 It was do-it-your-self delivery for companies and residents in Abingdon this morning , while negotiations go on between the Post Office and striking workers .
20 Angry punters demonstrated on the course after the first race , while negotiations went on between track officials and the Tote workers .
21 ‘ We were sent upstairs to address envelopes as ‘ the girls ’ ‘ , she recalls , ‘ while Clive got on with the serious business of deciding about the paper .
22 Their work carries highly charged images of male sexuality , such as ‘ Naked Beauty ’ where two young , naked models abase themselves before an open , budding flower , while George looks on with the impassivity of a voyeur .
23 Major areas of application of consumer multimedia include music , games , home education and self-improvement , popular reference , ‘ how to ’ applications such as DIY , car maintenance etc , and child-minding software designed to keep children quiet and entertained while adults get on with their own lives for short but blissful periods of time .
24 This will involve tone as much as doctrine , but he would be as ill-advised to go on about the Government 's intention of building a classless society , which it ca n't build anyway , as to adopt the easy belief that the climate of opinion can be left to look after itself while ministers get on with the practical business of government .
25 While Packer flew on to his destination , Singapore-bound Sheehy and his party were forced to book a commercial flight .
26 A single small group can work on drama with one teacher whilst others get on with other ( related ) work .
27 I knew it was only a matter of time before people caught on to what he was trying to do back then !
28 Happened a lot with Cantona too — the famous Chelsea goal came shortly after Cantona came on in the 8 ? th minute .
29 The great Fangio ( Arg ) was also in the Maserati team but they only had one race together as team-mates before Fangio moved on to Mercedes .
30 He still did n't know whose side to take when Mum carried on at us but she never came to the shed while we were chopping wood with him , so we had a retreat .
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