Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After the stridency and aggression of the school , the hate-mail , she was happy to find her temporary asylum in this gentle household where voices were never raised , where no one obsessively analysed her every sentence in the hope of detecting racist , sexist or fascist undertones , where words meant what they had meant for generations , where obscenities were unknown or at least unspoken , where there was the grace of good order symbolized for her in Mr Copley 's reading of the Church 's daily offices , Morning Prayer and Evensong .
2 Already ‘ wish lists ’ have been made where staff indicate what they want to see from agency status and these suggestions have been acted on .
3 I 'd just wanted to be somewhere where people knew what they were doing .
4 Manager Atkinson said : ‘ I thought QPR were having the better of the first half until Deano did what he 's good at — scoring a goal when there is not really anything on .
5 ‘ At parties , if people ask what you 've been doing and you tell them that you 've just been around the world , it stops the conversationd ead . ’
6 She would n't like it if people knew what she was and she did n't know anything about them .
7 Sometimes , like now , she wondered if Francis knew what it was be in love .
8 We wake up during the night with desperate thoughts of what horrible people we are and how if others knew what we were really like they would never want to see us again .
9 Unless customers buy what we produce , at prices that allow us to make a profit , our fate will be bankruptcy or takeover .
10 I think that it 's not just the policy , I think it 's the whole of society 's attitudes , because children learn what they are by how people see them , and if they 're in a society that says you 're in an unusual situation , if you 're not with two parents then somehow your situation is n't right and we condemn it !
11 The tragedies of miscegenation have never been simple — ever since Othello did what he had to do to Desdemona .
12 While manufacturers say what they like about themselves through advertising , favourable public opinion for their products or services is earned .
13 But while Richard loves what he does , he does n't fancy it as a fulltime career .
14 Maschino is running Daliesque adverts featuring no clothing at all , while Hogg avoids what she calls ‘ boring and unimaginative ’ fashion by using bald-headed ‘ Doctor-Martined ’ models .
15 Dexter , and he was sure Blanche as well , was left wondering whether Pargeter believed what she was saying .
16 It was not long before Fiver found what they were looking for .
17 When Ken asked what it was for , he was told : ‘ This play is essentially stylistic and I want the dialogue to be delivered in a stylistic fashion . ’
18 When Dauberval defined what he meant by dances of character he undoubtedly had in mind some easily recognised characters of the commedia dell'arte , whose actors regularly played such roles as the absent-minded doctor or scientist , miser , termagant wife or widow and various clowns such as the sad Pierrot or zany clown .
19 Each time they arrive at a pose , Colas somehow steals the expected kiss or holds Lise in the proper climax as Alain strikes what he believes to be the proper pose .
20 And when Victor realised what they 'd done he was furious .
21 Mandeville drew his sword and we followed suit , though God knows what we expected to find .
22 Not now anyway , though God knows what they got up to in the past .
23 It seems to me that parents carry these things on longer than the people involved — even Irene Markham seemed offhand with me , though God knows what she 's got to be huffy about . ’
24 patiently , ‘ then I think it fair to assume he was clambering across the tiles and slipped , though God knows what he was doing up there .
25 ‘ Madness ! ’ he said , when Jess explained what they were after .
26 About an hour later her mother arrived and , when Liz explained what she had done , telephoned for an ambulance .
27 Public confidence in the police is enhanced when people know what they can expect from their local police force , and when outsiders are let into the process of inspecting how they work .
28 She had the simplest of gold chains round her throat , for Angela knew what she was doing .
29 When Shylock asks what he said to her in line 42 , she replies ( line 43 ) :
30 Tempers exploded at breakfast time after Rosemary and Carssier who had feuded for a month accidentally bumped into each other between two beds and their slanging match to violence when Rosemary shouted what you need is a man !
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