Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] they have " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the hostels for the homeless , places of last resort where inmates feel treated as if they have no rights , the refuge is a place of first resort , where women learn they have rights and how to exercise them .
2 But they wo n't go out on the streets until officers using them have been fully trained .
3 They nearly came to scratching each other because Janice says they 've only got an old banger .
4 After all , these guys are no part of my battle , most of them do n't know me , and they 've turned out in numbers only because Rufus said they had to defend their territory — but I decide this ai n't the time for that , and it would make more sense to invite these gift-horses in for coffee and what 's left of the whisky .
5 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
6 They think he is a PERFUME … while others suspect they 've seen clothes he designed , or clocked him behind the wheel of a racing car .
7 She was too far away to speak before Jay realised they had n't even exchanged names .
8 Before Linfield equalised they had a couple of efforts .
9 Bradford engineer Mike de Garis , 36 , was held for 36 hours in a cell in Faro , Portugal , before police realised they had boobed .
10 News of the two games came as Tottenham announced they had wiped out their debts by finally banking almost £6m from the Italians for the gifted Gascoigne .
11 As night fell they had turned their backs on the rush and excitement of the Expo and returned to the old Seville where they had dined by candlelight in a small pavement café and watched the world rush by .
12 The vans are used as an intimidatory measure , and also for when people deny they have a TV .
13 When people said they had noticed a Labour or Conservative politician other than Thatcher or Kinnock we asked them who had caught their attention .
14 When Twoflower said they 'd got better kind of magic in the Empire I thought — I thought … ’
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