Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] she have " in BNC.

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1 Cos Ange said she 'd , she 'd been chatting about Jenny to her .
2 If Vitor believed her to have been three months pregnant in Adelaide , then he believed she had already been pregnant when they had made love !
3 Cos Rita swears she 's been , I mean I was out with her once and we went in for a coffee and we finished , right , and we 're ready to go and I nearly said to her I hate it after you 've finished and Jackie lights up and then I have to sit there while she has a fag
4 yeah , but when come , come on Saturday she looked in her ears cos Sharon said she had to go back with her , she says I wait do n't go ears are cleared
5 Then suddenly she stopped dead , realising that , if Naylor thought she had n't yet completely finished with Travis , then he was just angry enough — and blunt enough — to do it for her .
6 If Fen thought she had no other attachments , she 'd be off this boat in double quick time .
7 Well I do n't know , but she , I said , cos she 's telling me about her coming , only three days up the hospital then she 's got ta go back to her own place because Ian said she 'd never managed , she keeps falling and she said this woman never went to see her once when she was in hospital , yet she 's getting paid it look all the time , and she ought to go to see if there 's anything she wants you see
8 No , there ca n't be anything there because Terri said she 'd brought it all upstairs as soon as the brewery bought it in .
9 He had been unpopular in the city since an inquiry in 1321 which led to the curbing of the city 's liberties ; the citizens had probably helped Mortimer to escape from the Tower , and Froissart , who was a Hainaulter himself and may have written on good authority , said that even before Isabella landed she had received secret assurances of support from them .
10 Before papa died she had been a child , spoiled and cosseted and it was a pity she had not grown up a bit more quickly .
11 She had a nice car before Chris made her have that more or less .
12 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
13 When Alice said she had to go , because she was expecting Jasper , and stood up , Andrew did too , and seemed to hesitate .
14 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
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