Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] she [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He was reaching-for the blue directory when Anne came back with Abigail in her arms , so Adam took her and carried her back to bed himself and tucked her in and kissed her .
2 She was so shy that she could n't look up when God passed over her , so God missed her and did not paint her blossom .
3 Anne 's mother seemed asleep so Anne left her and went quickly to meet her friend .
4 Fear for Dana and what would happen to her twin if Roman found her and Garry before she could warn her .
5 And , when Jessica gets up to do get the magazine it 's cos Mr told her but course she thought it was Je , erm Elizabeth but she wa was n't so
6 Cos Brian told her that they were doing a census Sydenham .
7 Perhaps it was at that same party that Marevna , who stayed until dawn , saw Modigliani and Beatrice fighting ferociously until Modi grabbed her and flung her through a closed window .
8 It would be so typical if Jenny missed her while she was in the booth .
9 Jinny was paralysed until Keith prodded her and she choked out the first words .
10 The Princess of Wales survives attacks because she is glamorous , lovable , a devoted mother of her two boys , because children adore her and she has a natural affinity with them , and because she bravely enters fields which command respect ( shaking hands with AIDS victims for example ) .
11 She had n't realised how tense she was until she heard that he was all right , but now she crumpled like a wet paper bag , laughing and crying and laughing again all at once , while Mick hugged her and passed her tissues .
12 But no : she has hung around the DHSS while clerks forgot her like she was goods in the stockroom , and now she has a chit that says they 'll pay her lodging at the boarding house .
13 She mumbled something while Flora supported her and I wiped her face with the warm , fizzy water .
14 Before Nina dies she and Gael again make peace , she repents her sins , and Gael vows to rewrite his novel .
15 As had happened the day before , the time simply flew for Fabia , so that she could again hardly believe it when Ven told her that they would take the funicular a little way down the hill to a restaurant where they would have lunch .
16 Annie 's voice all but went off the chromatic scale when Kelly told her that she was turning down Ibn Fayoud 's invitation .
17 When Sarah told her that he had been offered and refused a foreman 's job , Anne was bitterly angry that he had said nothing about it when they met the previous evening , but now she was unable to resist saying , ‘ Yes , that would be great , ’ as coolly as possible .
18 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
19 She ended with a high-pitched wail as Merlyn reached her and shook her .
20 When Poirot tells her that Hastings has remarked that the house looked haunted she assures them that if there is a ghost it must be a friendly one , because she has had three escapes from death in as many days so she must bear a charmed life .
21 Hugo looked even more tired and strained than he had earlier , Harriet thought , and Sally was edgy and preoccupied though she seemed greatly relieved when Hugo told her that the insurance investigator , Tom O'Neill , had seemed satisfied with what he had been able to tell him and had not expressed any desire for a further interview or the need to come to the house to speak to Sally .
22 Only when Harry warned her that he might collide with a passing vehicle if she continued to do that , did she finally desist .
23 He 'd driven her directly to her hotel so she could change her clothes and she 'd elected to wear lightweight cream cotton jeans topped by a matching sleeveless cotton stretch top , taking the precaution of carrying a jacket when Rune warned her that the breeze from the Baltic could be stiff despite the increasing warmth of the day .
24 She allowed herself a little to wish that she could sometimes , however indirectly , speak to , even just be with , Ludens ; but he was now , as Gildas told her and as she could see , obsessed with Marcus .
25 The Office continues with a description of a relapse of Margaret 's illness from which she was cured when Rolle promised her that she should never again suffer from it as long as he was alive .
26 Unlike child star Macaulay Culkin in the hit film , nine-year-old Nicola Schoo was bewildered and frightened when police found her and her sister , Diana , 4 .
27 Worse , Dr Neil was being so kind , when reason told her that no one would blame him if he turned her away for what she had done .
28 She broke down and wept bitterly when Wexford told her that that her husband 's supplementary income had come from a criminal source .
29 It looked as if she had no life in her either , but she moaned as James carried her and laid her gently on the seat of his carriage .
30 ‘ We could n't leave you here on your own , ’ says Prue Chase , as Howard kisses her and hands a bottle of wine to Roy , her husband .
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