Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [noun] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 John McCarthy , Terry Waite , Jackie Mann and spent time in a special unit where Dr Turnbull helped them come to terms with what had happened to them .
2 They were produced in court , where Sergeant Thorpe explained they had new pockets .
3 These were being lowered to the roof-top , where Repo Men guided them on to powered sleds and steered them into the lift .
4 We went into the garden , where Mrs Goreng showed them her flourishing orchids .
5 Although Thames Water say they have n't yet prosecuted over previous bans , water resources manager Dave Cook says they may have to clamp down further .
6 East Down won Division Two while Lisburn took the Women 's Inter-club title although Lagan Valley beat them on the day .
7 What better than EMS membership to reassure them ?
8 Although sequence analysis shows them to be lipocalins , molecular replacement using other lipocalin structures as search models failed to produce interpretable solutions ; we therefore used the multiple isomorphous replacement method and prepared three heavy-atom derivatives of MUP .
9 A Government programme of help for single mothers has not yet been drawn up , although church groups say they have centres ready to take in anyone needing help .
10 On that one day he notched up five kills although Fighter Command downrated them to four ‘ probables ’ .
11 They 're furious that a promised reduction in hours has n't happened , although health chiefs say they 're doing all they can .
12 Although segregation distorters exist they are n't very common .
13 If Mortimer Cropper knew they were there — ’
14 If Mr Malik noticed them , he showed no sign of it .
15 He moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’
16 Eventually , thunder rumbled in the distance , and he looked up and asked if it was gun-fire ; when I said I thought not , he moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’ .
17 These interventions will be implemented despite short-term business protests if state managers deem them class-rational .
18 Richard and Kate kept asking until Hubert Molland shut them up .
19 The coach trundled briskly past , browning everyone with dust ; the deerhounds checked and growled thunderously at the town dogs until James Flemyng called them loudly to heel .
20 If market rates rise between coupon reset periods , the FRN will be trading slightly below par , while if market rates fall they will be trading slightly above .
21 In 1905 the Lytham Company , whose blue cars operated into Blackpool only as far as South Shore Station , threatened legal action unless Blackpool Corporation allowed them to operate further into town .
22 The two girls were looking hard , till Ant Everard restrained them with a cough .
23 The Labour Party says the firm continued trading without insuring holidaymakers ' money , because Mr Heseltine told them they did n't actually NEED insurance .
24 She was not interested in the puppets because Uncle Philip made them .
25 The departure of Lord Leverhulme was not a victory for crofting but a defeat The crofters left the land not because Lord Leverhulme gave them jobs in a factory , but precisely because he did not .
26 A report submitted to the International Maritime Organisation warns that hundreds of Russian sailors are at risk of serious contamination because accommodation shortages force them to live on dangerous nuclear submarines .
27 Men only find underwear sexy because porno magazines expect them to .
28 On marketing , while branch managers said they believed interest rates were the biggest attraction to new customers , for the customers the key was close proximity to a branch .
29 Not since Tsao Ch'un destroyed them all .
30 The assembled friends were told by Brendan Bracken in tones of wonderment that Churchill — that great Francophile — had rung to bellow that he would watch them die without a qualm if they ‘ ratted on Poland as they had ratted on Czechoslovakia , ’ while Bob Boothby told them repeatedly how he had exhorted Winston to ‘ break Chamberlain and take his place ’ .
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