Example sentences of "[det] [n mass] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But then Adam , on his own initiative , paid a first instalment of some £12,400 to the merchant for the prime minister .
2 As is evident in Figure 2.1 this surface shows many irregularities compared with a simple oblate spheroid ; there is , for instance , a bulge of 76 m near New Guinea and a depression of some 104m to the south of India .
3 ‘ We should have sent some people to the airport , ’ she muttered .
4 We are already aware , however , of dangerous interpretations of the paper by some people to the effect that schools health education as a whole has been shown to be ineffective , and that efforts should be diverted towards non-school policy measures and health education outside the school .
5 I 've got to add some graphics to the draft of my leaflet , but could I send you the draft when it 's ready , and you could improve it perhaps , and then get it printed ?
6 Promotional support is expected to add another £1.5m to the launch budget .
7 Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd blames a 5% fall in profits before charges for closure of some telecommunications operations on losses at the UK telecommunications subsidiary , Reuter reports , but the group will still commit another £200m to the UK unit this year , group chairman Li Ka-Shing said : ‘ I 'm not happy with the results , but we 'll still continue our commitment to the UK operation and pump more money into it , ’ he said — ‘ I 'm not sure the worst is over yet in the UK , which ate up all our Hong Kong profits this year ; ’ he said Hutchison will have invested over £500m in the loss-making UK unit , including the £200m that is earmarked for this year , but he refused to say at what point he will say enough is enough — ‘ It 's too early to say ; you can never tell when business will pick up . ’
8 But he was able to lend some £300,000 to the Habsburgs in return for political support against pretenders ; and he probably left his son a credit balance of about one year 's ordinary income .
9 Labour 's preoccupation in future will be to begin the long task of reconverting such people to the view many of them held in Clement Attlee 's day : that it was worth paying more in tax to produce better public services and a more just postwar society .
10 HBsAg positive individuals ( accounting for 3% of our cirrhotic population ) were excluded because at the outset of the trial hepatitus B virus immunisation was not widely available to theatre staff and it was not deemed acceptable to expose such staff to the risks of infection undergoing elective surgery .
11 Interestingly , though the budget had risen to $18 million ( from around $9–10 million for Alien , seven inflationary years earlier ) , rentals were up hardly more than 8 per cent , from $40.3 million to $43.7 million ; the more conventional , apparently more ‘ popular ’ film actually drew fewer people to the cinema , at least in North America .
12 If you will want the reactions of these people to the candidate be sure to let them know that this will be expected .
13 My amendment would result in a reduction in the burden on these people to the tune of 50 per cent .
14 I brought these people to the attention of the public .
15 I brought these people to the attention of the public .
16 Reagan said nothing about the diversion of money from these sales to the Contras .
17 so , it becomes easier to account for the relationship of both of these works to the pavement of room 5 , Great Witcombe ( see section 2.1 , above .
18 You can visit Earth again soon , and bring more people to the Moon colony .
19 The Church of England has set up a working party to investigate the possibility of placing advertisements on radio and television in a bid to attract more people to the Church .
20 Curly Top had n't had enough time to get more people to the gatehouse .
21 The second tactic is to ensure that we stop adding more people to the numbers of tragic people on our streets as a result of years of social and self-neglect .
22 We have to attract more people to the island , and I 'm sure Crystal Springs is going to put Barbados right up there on top of the tourist destination list . ’
23 Oh no — never — the bribe was far too great to refuse — they ran a cordon round the Green and delivered over their own folk to the men-of-war .
24 The same writer also states : " The Bishop of Rochester remained at Hailing and Trottescliffe , where he conferred orders in both places and at certain intervals , " he continues , " this mortality swept away so vast a multitude of both sexes that none could be found to carry the corpses to the grave , men and women bore their own offspring to the Church and cast them into a common pit , and from these pits came such a great stench that hardly anyone dared cross the cemeteries . "
25 There it was collected and served by the Imperial 's own staff to the rest of the guests . ’
26 He invited the AFPFL to submit names , but when they demanded the right to nominate a bloc of their own people to the council he rejected their terms and chose his own council from among superannuated pre-war politicians .
27 I despise the stupidity of those painters who defended the removal of ‘ Guernica ’ to its new air-conditioned penthouse because , in setting such a precedent , they are passing up the opportunity of bequeathing their own works to the Prado .
28 If the secretary of state approves , the compensation is assessed on the assumption that neither planning permission nor listed building consent would be given for any works to the building except for those for restoring it to , and maintaining it in , a proper state of repair ; in short , all development value is excluded .
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