Example sentences of "[det] [n mass] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She made herself some tea and took some aspirin and paced about the flat .
2 I do n't understand why some Asians , or some people that look as if they 're Asian or Pakistani , actually come from Africa , because
3 And of course this created this created a a tr a tremendous problem , because er these few people that went to the er odd pits were in need of er a very strong police escort .
4 The distribution of this species and Goosanders in Sussex is very similar , but Smew are even more infrequent on the open sea .
5 It seems that Gainsborough produced such works as favours for important clients , but only for a short period in his career , later preferring oil on paper for smaller portraits of this sort .
6 I mean Adam 's lucky in that respect , I could n't smoke when I was pregnant , I , it made me feel sick , I could n't stand the smell of it , I had no urge to smoke at all , I went right off smoking , I respect , I was lucky , but I do feel sorry for these people that smoking at present cos it must be ever so hard .
7 ‘ It is not for us to steer these people or act on their behalf ’ , said the SPD spokesman Eduard Heussen .
8 You go for these people and ask for a board and this sort of thing it 's just , it just gets to be demeaning , the practice manager should have , should have
9 The people that were left behind such as the section leaders — the gunnery leader , flight engineer leader , navigation leader and one or two people that were not on the battle order for that night , would meet these people and speak to them .
10 So erm yeah so I do n't know in , in , in some ways what the questionnaire actually ends up looking like is , is , is up to you , I mean you 've already spoken to some of these people and spoken to some of the organizations involved
11 It is tempting to see these works as belonging to a formidable and sustained effort to return the history of science to where it was before it was invaded by what Hall may see as sociologizing and ‘ hermeticizing ’ interlopers .
12 The main problem here is ammonia which is excreted by all fish and produced by the breakdown of once living matter ( plants , food , dead creatures ) in your tank .
13 All people that went to the Salvation Army in they they always used to have their treat there , other church always used to go to Felixstowe , that used to cost us ninepence to go to Felixstowe on the train .
14 The ban on all sales and supplies to Iraq and Kuwait specifically included arms ; it excluded medical supplies and , in wording made less specific following an initiative by Ethiopia , the supply of food in humanitarian circumstances .
15 All species that live in families of 100 or more are aposematically coloured , compared with only a small proportion of the solitary species .
16 Many species that thrive in polar habitats are found also in subpolar and temperate habitats .
17 The most brilliantly patterned of all are those fish that live in clear sunlit waters where their designs are easily seen — in tropical lakes and rivers and , particularly and most lavishly , around coral reefs .
18 which wo n't be all those people that crawled in front of me .
19 It is imperative not to accept the subjects of popular interest as the objects of theoretical scrutiny , not to reify a concept of dubious historical provenance , but instead to unpack the powerful rhetoric that hides behind the notion of the inner city , to outline the contours of alternative urban realities and to place this empirical evidence in the political and economic context that will determine the life chances of those people that live in real places in real urban locations today .
20 Erm we also know that base five formwork is up so we started on base five as soon as we can , put as many resources into it as we can we mentioned earlier that er having five hundred people in there made life quite congested but we decided the more people that helped in there the better and er our objective was to get the er wall steelwork up .
21 The SCB has its own budget , appoints its own staff and operates from its own premises .
22 This argument , that the Scottish party should elect its own leader , raise its own funds , hire and fire its own staff and sit in a Westminster coalition with the English and Welsh Labour Party , is something which acutely interests a few hundred activists , but not many MPs , and one guesses , precious few voters .
23 It includes the presence of other animals that may be predators or competitors for food , animals of other species that may communicate with it in finding food or raising an alarm , and individuals of its own species that interact with it in many ways , competitively , nepotistically , and in co-operation .
24 Which is what most people that go in there
25 Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it .
26 Most people when confronted by that kind of thing pretend it is not happening , hide themselves behind newspapers , show an unwarranted fascination in reading advertisements , but these four watched the drunk man 's progress , they seemed to monitor it .
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