Example sentences of "[det] [that] i [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was at moments like this that I would reflect on concepts like the ‘ community ’ of work and how lost one can be without it .
2 ‘ There are some people , ’ Lydia had said , ‘ who , as it were , belong in my house , and there are some that I can tolerate .
3 Fortunately it is only to a few that I need refer .
4 But in the severe turbulence that I encountered I had no control over my canopy and there was very little that I could do .
5 And and the final thing that that that I ought to say is is that i if i it has a hangover to what 's going to be said later today .
6 We went to Edinburgh on our wedding tour and I thought it beautiful but I think that my state of mind at the time was such that I should have thought anywhere beautiful .
7 " The Ryder Cup means so much that I 'd play on one leg if I had to . "
8 Sometimes he irritates me so much that I could scream at him .
9 It distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out only in case of necessity . ’
10 I wanner go up in a pile a smoke an' flames an' eye shadder an' levver shoes an' dancin' an' all that I 'll go like them girls in the magazines Sharon an' you ai n't goin' ter stop me .
11 ‘ I have very much looked forward to retirement , and , like many others , I find that I have even less time than before to pursue all that I would like to do , ’ Dr Florin said .
12 I thought first of all that I 'd wait for the newspaper reports of the killing and use those as an excuse .
13 I shall do all that I can to arouse public opinion against the portrayal of vice as a normal condition of affairs , and against depicting criminals of any class as heroes and heroines , presenting their filthy philosophy of life as something acceptable to decent men and women .
14 But all that I can do ,
15 It 's all that I can do . "
16 All that I can do is to agree with my hon. Friend the Minister about the regulations and add some comments .
17 but I still get cramp , and that , and the doctor said to me he said all that I can do is when you get the pain just rest it , how can you rest with a three year old ?
18 ‘ Three hundred roubles , it is all that I can spare . ’
19 ‘ For that reason , if for no other , I 'm going to do all that I can to make sure that your sordid little affair does n't succeed .
20 Erm I think that 's about all that I can add to what Robert said .
21 ‘ My top priority is to do all that I can to help those out of work find jobs .
22 So that 's er all that I can say about that you see ?
23 All that I can say is that the actions of Councillor Bookbinder are so incredible as to defy belief .
24 All that I can say on the fixed link between Euston and the new complex — because I mentioned that a number of options are still being considered — is that it will be a dedicated link .
25 All that I can say is that the judges who have considered the matter so far are divided .
26 All that I can say is , thank God that they were isolated incidents .
27 So it seems to me that what Williamson has shown in one particular case is clear evidence of punctuation , but no reasons at all that I can see for supposing that the mechanism of change was any other which Darwin described over a hundred years ago .
28 I shall also do all that I can to ensure that brewers behave responsibly towards their tenants .
29 But erm and then at during er before lunch and all that I used to have to go take a bucket and go to the smithy and erm as you may know , there 's a a cooling er tank beside in the in er beside every every every erm blacksmith 's fire and er you know to bo keep the er no t no to keep the nozzle of the
30 A private internal affair needed resolving , and I went on that review group , I was prepared to do all that I could to resolve it .
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