Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the Falklands , and so few accounts of disturbances in British cities were reported .
2 Charles the Bald though he tried to regulate some forms of relations between landlords and peasants was in no position to intervene in those relations extensively .
3 You can , however , buy some forms of contraceptives like the condom or sponge from chemists or other retailers .
4 You can , however , buy some forms of contraceptives like the condom or sponge from chemists or other retailers .
5 Some groups of signs on the Phaistos Disc are repeated ; these may be refrains , suggesting a song or hymn , or they may simply be recurring words .
6 From 1908 onwards successive governments made adjustments to the income of some groups of parents in the light of their responsibilities ( for example , servicemen , the unemployed , widows and some income tax payers ) .
7 Painful inflammation of the prostate is one of the main reasons that men under 50 consult their doctors , and experts believe that as many as three-quarters of some groups of men aged 30 to 50 suffer from it in some form .
8 However , they underestimate the amount of opposition there is from some groups of men to women getting good jobs .
9 To argue as some opponents of Wages for Housework do ( Phillips and Wallsgrove , 1978 ) that there should be ‘ adequate payment for everyone who wants to work in these collective childcare facilities ’ while opposing any payment for mothers looking after their own children at home is astonishing .
10 This is why some combinations of drives from different manufacturers are fussy about which is the master .
11 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
12 Meanwhile , we 'll be trotting them along to probation or a solicitor or whatever and getting that side of things dealt with , etc. etc. , so we try to stitch together some sorts of packages for people who otherwise fall through .
13 For the past six years , however , she had done little more than declare things open , or say a few words of thanks in public .
14 This project aims at monitoring by quantitative analysis some aspects of changes in the structure of British central government departments over the dozen years from 1972 to date .
15 Indeed , the optic lobe contains a wealth of neurons which respond specifically to elaborate patterns of motion , such as the optic flow fields generated on a retina when an insect turns around or flies over the ground , but there have been disappointingly few descriptions of neurons with interesting spatial properties .
16 Some descriptions of armies on the move , left to us by writers of the chivalric tradition , notably Froissart , glow with light and colour .
17 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
18 They may even be able to revolutionise some kinds of businesses by providing new kinds of selling tools .
19 It follows that there are some kinds of changes in the nuclear DNA ( such changes are called ‘ mutations ’ ; see p. 22 ) which will cause a change in the code .
20 Even today there are classes of structures such as sailplanes and some kinds of boats for which wood is still the most efficient material available .
21 We shall be seeing some comparisons of developments with controlled and uncontrolled disturbances in Figs 18.9–18.12 .
22 example For the Emma essay , you could look in a bibliography for a link between " irony " and " Austen " and " characterisation " ; you could scan some collections of essays on Austen or Emma for possibly relevant material ; similarly you could look in books on irony , in order to see how closely your ideas resemble existing material , and what aspects are original .
23 And it 's really to provide , according to Derek , it 's to provide the Secretary of State with some ideas of costings of , if she decides the new careers services to run careers conventions , she would make that part of the specification and she would know how much that that was likely to cost her .
24 The British Standard BS 6652 for child resistance is granted to specific combinations of bottle and cap and has been given only for some makes of closures on BS 1679 bottles , which are the ones we use in this hospital .
25 A few years of storms with plenty of rain would probably have undermined this place anyway .
26 Some strains of mice with hamster PrP transgenes , when inoculated with hamster prions show incubation periods as short as 75 days rather than the 500 or more days in non-transgeneic controls .
27 Some reviews of aspects of urban intervention indicated that Urban Programme funding often proved crucial for the implementation of projects as diverse as business-development initiatives ( DoE , 1988b ) environmental improvements ( JURUE , 1986b ) and some employment-creation projects ( DoE , 1986 ) .
28 After a critical few weeks of talks with the Minister-Presidents a compromise was reached by which a German government would be created , but without giving the impression that this meant a permanent division .
29 We gave a few outlines of schemes of work and bits and pieces of information , but I would n't have said that it caused any great feeling of self-analysis .
30 Nevertheless , it seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values for the numbers that would allow the development of any form of intelligent life .
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