Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] had [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps no pictorial revolution of the magnitude and depth of Cubism had been effected with such extreme rapidity , and during the years between 1907 and 1910 every few months had witnessed some radical change in the appearance of Cubist painting .
2 Few heads had allocated any of their extra capitation to the development of productive links with parents and the community , while nearly all of them considered that such PNP resources as the Authority 's advisory and support staff , the INSET programme and even the refurbishment of their own schools had made little or no impact on home-school links , however effective they may have been in furthering the programme 's other objectives .
3 Our telephone was jammed with calls of approval and thanks , For some listeners had Feared that the new C.B.C .
4 Earlier some engineers had derided this side of the business as mere ‘ ironmongery ’ , and there had also been political constraints on development .
5 Few officers had had any training in management , politics or diplomacy .
6 On landing I sought for the cottage occupied by the Duke of Hamilton 's piper , in which some friends had found most comfortable quarters the season before .
7 " Every state " , wrote a historian at the end of the eighteenth century when such questions had lost much of their earlier emotional charge , " while contending for this high and delicate point , has brought forward every sort of argument , however weighty , or however trivial , which could apply exclusively to itself " .
8 In 1912 he believed that the ‘ principles of self-government ’ had already ‘ been applied in their most extreme form ’ in Canada and South Africa — a date at which neither of these countries had acquired any formal control over their external relations .
9 ‘ Nevertheless , in our view by then , these weaknesses had done much to undermine the credibility of the system in the eyes of TECs . ’
10 But if these beings had left any fingerprints I had the strong feeling they would n't be the kind you get down at Scotland Yard .
11 These churches had gained many of their possessions from wealthy laymen as a result of the noble piety which characterised the monastic reform movement of the tenth century , when substantial numbers of new monasteries were created and old ones re-established .
12 So many refugees had passed that way already , and the steamers were dirty with no accommodation , so that again we slept side by side on the decks , and ate cold and rather horrible curry and rice on filthy plates .
13 Many Liberals had favoured this approach long before the 1987 election .
14 Of these 57 authorities , 32 had been Partnership or Programme councils , and the remainder had a lower status either as Other Designated Districts or benefited from the traditional Urban Programme from which very many councils had gained some , often limited resources .
15 The same production had been playing in six or seven theatres in Britain already , and no fire officer in any of those places had found any problem .
16 and as soon as the panes been blown out , it was such a force , it was blowing them between two houses , smashing on the road , and in the end , once a few more panes had gone that was it the whole greenhouse , I sat there watching this greenhouse , it just suddenly launched itself off the bit on it , over our fence , it went , there was glass everywhere for weeks afterwards , when I was cutting the lawn , oh dear the
17 Few heads had allocated any of their extra capitation to the development of productive links with parents and the community , while nearly all of them considered that such PNP resources as the Authority 's advisory and support staff , the INSET programme and even the refurbishment of their own schools had made little or no impact on home-school links , however effective they may have been in furthering the programme 's other objectives .
18 Her own parents had played such a game , but in their case it was her father who had played the mild , the foolish role .
19 The silly sheep , the witless pheasants , the dumb cows bred by man for his own purposes had lost all joy and definition , needing to be doused , medicated , imprisoned and fed until , poor bourgeois , they were ready to be killed .
20 Both riders had done enough to be disqualified .
21 Both dogs had acquired some of the privileges of a higher rank in the Cameron family pack that they had not really earned .
22 She stared , fascinated by the carpets on the floor and the brightly painted candles , and wondered why the Catholics lit candles too if both sides had hated each other as much as they had in her school history books .
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