Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [that] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
2 In general these studies have tended to reinforce the conclusions based on stimulation studies and have yielded few surprises that affect the validity of the method .
3 There are likely to be a number of crucial calculations within the next few years that have the possibility of showing that the theory is no good .
4 Some organisations that face a pronounced seasonal pattern in their activities ( for example , those whose activities included the provision of catering facilities at summer sporting events ) supplement this managerial supervisory core with other staff hired on a seasonal basis [ see Chapter 7 below ] , but this practice is relatively unusual .
5 That is the implication of a very suggestive comment that he made at the time to Edgar Faure : " At certain periods there are some problems that have no solution . "
6 To explain this reaction , I must first introduce some concepts that help the physicist to describe what is happening in an inversion layer .
7 Those who would follow the extensive design can be sure that their results are typical , but they must hypothesize as to whether the few properties that survive the working of the inverse ratio between extension and intension have any individuality at all ( De Waele and Harre , 1976 ) .
8 But while trains kill some creatures that cross the line , they preserve a wild habitat for many more creatures in their cuttings and help minimize the much greater destruction wrought by cars and roads .
9 The river 's edge , where Virgil 's ghosts held out their arms in longing for the farther shore , and Dante , as a living man , was refused passage by the ferryman , the few planks that mark the meeting point of land and water , there , surely , is a place to stop and reflect , even if , as Father Watson did , you stumble over a ten-gallon tin of creosote .
10 It is the combinations of such codes that determine the visual presentation .
11 It is the characteristic chemical products of such enzymes that give a cell its individual shape and behaviour .
12 There are no other data concerning the ancient societies in any of these cases that predict the occurrence of the linear features .
13 It is in these areas that Save The Children has consistently moved forward through developing long term strategies which are being added to and developed year after year .
14 It is these changes that form the background to the discussion by Vickers ( Chapter 13 ) .
15 Relevant costing features in many of the questions set in the Financial Decisions paper at Conversion Course , and it is often these questions that receive the poorest answers .
16 We consider these properties to be advantages of our vaccine rather than disadvantages , as it is just these properties that distinguish the MicroGeneSys vaccine from the other candidates .
17 All our joys and sadnesses come from our emotions , yet little consideration and thought is given to these factors that have a decisive effect on our happiness .
18 WACC-AR in planning future activities should ensure participatory communication by involving representation of all groups that form the movement and also take into account confessional , gender , professional , geographical and linguistic representation ;
19 The gastropods are one of many groups that record the faunal changes connected with the advance and retreat of the Ice Sheets during the Pleistocene .
20 The 13.5 kb fragment is present in all phenotypes that contain the A haplotype and is absent in the B haplotype .
21 I need hardly remind you of the many emergencies that Save The Children has responded to in recent years .
22 Zimbabwe , Grenada , Cyprus — they are so many flares that mark the outline of a new path .
23 As a means of answering this question , the predicative function of the verb can be situated in the much more general framework of a mechanism which seems fundamental to all words that evoke a lexical content .
24 Consider the following , apparently straightforward sentence : There are many concerns that make the book very interesting indeed .
25 Cos they 're all passwords that protect the system .
26 Unlike OPEC , it has representation of all countries that sign the treaty but in fact it is controlled by the major knowledge producing countries .
27 The planting suggestions for this garden include many plants that require an acid soil .
28 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
29 Not all insects that enter the trap are captured , but the operation is consistent , so that the method is valuable for monitoring changes in relative abundance from season to season and year to year .
30 The meme of Darwin 's theory is therefore that essential basis of the idea which is held in common by all brains that understand the theory .
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