Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [to-vb] for a " in BNC.

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1 Even with the advantages of other income sources , studios depend on a few hits to pay for a large number of duds .
2 noted that the press was falling into too few hands to allow for a proper ‘ marketplace of ideas ’ to operate .
3 But instead of gaining , we stand to lose such workers to pay for a reorganisation that only Ian Lang ( the Scottish Secretary ) and a few of his supporters want . ’
4 But in the time it takes these children to ask for a drink of water an accomplice has slipped in the back and helped himself .
5 The documentation provides plenty of general advice about writing letters — both the general construction and some of the finer points , such as how many lines to leave for a signature .
6 He won the International Kondrashin Competition four weeks after leaving the Royal Academy of Music , a music degree at Manchester already accomplished , and turned down all offers to conduct for a year .
7 Not all Scottish burghs were covered by the 1833 Act , but ‘ it was open to any community of 2,000 or more inhabitants to apply for a charter ’ ( Keating and Midwinter 1983:95 ) .
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