Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [to-vb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , it is of fundamental importance in a few cases to consider whether the covenant is too vague to be enforced or void for uncertainty .
2 You can pick the work up and do a bit of it whenever you have a few minutes to spare and the final result is really splendid , whether it is all bejewelled and decorated or made in a simple plain yarn .
3 Another problem is that it is difficult in some cases to know whether a word has one , or more than one , suffix ( e.g. should we analyse ‘ personality ’ , from the point of view of stress assignment , as + or as + + ? ) .
4 Here the mother is interpreting the child 's earliest noises as turns , a phenomenon which has led some researchers to wonder whether the turn-taking mechanisms of conversation , and ability to recognize the kind of turn that is in use , might be the initial framework into which the child gradually fills the details of the language , working top-down , from the largest structures to the smallest , as well as or perhaps instead of bottom-up , as has usually been assumed .
5 Whether because people really did not know how to interpret the revolution in England or because they wanted fairly complete independence and correctly suspected that William was going to exercise much the same overall powers as Charles and James had done , there was a revolt in New York that took some months to suppress and the colonists of Massachusetts at the beginning of the 1690s were no more reconciled to English rule than in the past .
6 He would let her father row him down the lake and dangle out a few lines to see if a tickle of fish would tickle his mood .
7 After a desultory start which had led some observers to hope that the intensity of the armed conflict might be declining , the " fighting season " got fully under way in January .
8 Inconsistencies in the initial report on the crash have led some investigators to suspect that the US and Canadian governments took part in a cover-up .
9 It took me only a few weeks to realise that the medical world would never come to grips with polio until it could isolate the virus which caused it .
10 Successful completion of a complex exercise such as this upgrade requires team work and a project team consisting of people from Services Delivery , Technical Services Systems Development and IBM have spent a considerable amount of time over the last few weeks to ensure that the upgrade when ahead without impact on Technology 's customers .
11 But space doctors still have some problems to overcome before a woman undertakes a longer flight than Savitskaya 's eight-day trip .
12 This led some writers to suspect that the Third World , like the First World , was not of a piece , but that there might be substantial differences of kind as well as the obvious differences of degree between countries .
13 She was therefore at some pains to explain that the only reason she had come into Perugia at all was because of an appointment with Ivy Cook , of all people , who had telephoned her earlier that morning .
14 So erm but that has w has led some critics to suggest that the whole play in fact is about the Cold War .
15 Whereas it is obvious that the launch must be abandoned anywhere near the ground , halfway up the launch it is reasonable to hold on for a few seconds to see if the speed picks up again .
16 Should we wonder that they might influence some children to think that the real world is all like that ?
17 It was in April of that year that F.W. Hardy , captain of Stockton Cycle Club , got together with a few others to complain that the Barnard Castle Meet was being dominated too much by clubs from Tyneside and suggested it was time for cycling clubs from the south of the region to break away .
18 It is this which has led some commentators to believe that the Eurocurrency market could create inflation within the US economy should large sums of Eurodollars be spent in the US by transformation , as it were , into domestic dollars .
19 Such incidents were highly embarrassing to the union , and it was a relief on some occasions to record that the offenders were not members , but had been supplied by the Shipping Federation .
20 It is important in such circumstances to note that the receiver and not the business may be liable for any debts he incurs in this way .
21 You may well be wondering why I have taken such pains to show that the Spirit of God , his active intervention on the human scene which took such varied forms in the Old Testament , became concentrated in the person of Jesus the Messiah , and then was poured out by him upon the messianic community .
22 ‘ A psychologist would be asked to attend all such purchases to ensure that no child is placed under any pressure . ’
23 It aids understanding of these phenomena to recognise that the function of all timber pests is to break down and convert dead trees into soil , allowing new trees unimpeded growth .
24 Obviously it is worth keeping watch over the pond during these times to ensure that the fish do not become stuck .
25 You only have to walk into any art gallery these days to see that the real action is in the shop .
26 But I suppose some are more susceptible than others , and there 's no reason these days to suffer when a simple injection will cure it . ’
27 We do not need to reach firm answers to these questions to see that the realities of British politics — both the process of electing a parliament and the relation of that elected body to those who actually form and control the machinery of state — certainly do not neatly correspond to or embody the original notion of government by the people or the people 's representatives .
28 Is he aware that there will be a wide welcome for my assurance that an incoming Labour Government will review each and every one of these decisions to ensure that the size and structure of the regiments in Scotland and throughout the United Kingdom reflect our military needs , and not the political expediency of the Tory party ?
29 If statutory support-services were channelled to those who were the most disabled , one would expect from these results to find that the elderly living with others would obtain more of them than elderly married couples or the elderly living alone .
30 ‘ One foreman oversees all operations to ensure that every order receives full and proper attention and the workforce is kept well informed of all requirements , so that we fulfill demand accurately and on time , ’ said Paul .
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