Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 " Dr Dunstaple , please ! " protested the Magistrate , who was one of the few cantonment-dwellers who had never experienced any affection for Dr Dunstaple .
2 Elsewhere in the café , one of Sunsail 's flotilla skippers was explaining the difference between a sheet and a halyard to some Germans who had never heard of either .
3 While they would not disagree entirely with this judgement , there are some researchers who see rather more positive future prospects for a transnational labour movement , or a ‘ new labour internationalism ’ as it is called .
4 Although it shows that there are a few peers who work hard to correct society 's injustices , the overwhelming impression is of pomp , ceremony , delicious teas and gentle relaxation at an exclusive club peopled by men and 77 women who are already among the most privileged in our society .
5 I mean there are some Conservatives who do actually believe in the social welfare of the but there are also , I 'm I 'm sure there are large numbers who actually know what vicious streak there is behind a lot of the other measures of social control that have gone on in this country since consensus was in nineteen seventy nine er you actually realise what what a tragedy it is in this area .
6 This view is hedged about with reservations — and indeed few parents who know both their children 's capacities and their teachers ' helpfulness will expect schools to be measured entirely in this way .
7 These organisations are rare , although an example might be a partnership of a few individuals who do all the work of the organisation themselves ( with perhaps a little administrative assistance ) .
8 In some cases long-term relationships grow up between casual workers and particular organizations In a few cases , Particularly In the banqueting establishments of a few large London hotels , where there is at least one " event " on most days of the week and most weeks of the year , there are some casuals who work effectively full-time for the organization concerned .
9 I shall attempt to establish the general outlines of what I term the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy by examining in detail the work of some writers who have explicitly addressed themselves to questions of literacy and its cognitive consequences .
10 There can be few writers who have so closely linked pretence with destructiveness .
11 Although the proportion of deliberate self-poisoning or self-injury patients who require psychiatric inpatient care is fairly small , this group is of special importance because it includes those most likely to have serious psychiatric disorders , those at special risk of suicide or further attempts , and some patients who pose very difficult management problems .
12 Some patients who drink too much caffeine show none of these symptoms , but vomit violently instead — this is particularly common with tea drinkers .
13 Of the chimney boys , Campbell wrote in 1747 : the younger they are the better fit to climb up the chimneys ; I would not recommend my friend to breed his son to this trade , " tho I know some masters who live comfortably .
14 The University 's Alumni Office can provide help and advice to groups , whether they consist of a few friends who meet informally from time to time , a group from a particular department or year who wish to arrange a special reunion , or a more established society like the ones described on these pages .
15 there is no better way , but er the problem with that is that , you know okay , you might get , you might get some peasants who say well we 're really grateful , we 'll go off and fight but some of them might just say no look , we 've got some land I 'm not gon na leave it ,
16 On a brief evening stroll Maxim had also noticed a few tourists who had clearly solved the problem of eating whilst asleep ; it is an oddity of American that only tourists are truly fat never the locals .
17 Some women who have always had a career only get to think about the need for closer relationships after that finishes .
18 Sometimes Cabinet meetings horrify me because of the amount of rubbish talked by some Ministers who come there after reading briefs which they do not understand .
19 Meanwhile ( as in his treatment of Westermarck in 1926 ) , Eliot began to dismiss some anthropologists who had earlier interested him .
20 Some MPs who had previously voted for the Exclusion Bill turned Jacobite , amongst them Sir William Whitlock ( a former member of the Green Ribbon Club ) and Edward Harvey ( though in the process they also became High Tories ) .
21 The relatively low percentage of graduates from such courses who do eventually make their way , via postgraduate and often in the sciences post-doctoral research , into the academic professions , should not disguise the fact that academic courses do provide a preparation for such work .
22 As for these men who came here which you called volunteers , they will neither be volunteers nor will they be tied to any colours or receive any pay .
23 The extreme poverty of the whole concern is pathetic , and I wished I 'd paid more for the things I bought so as to make life easier for these tanners who look just about ready to give up .
24 ( Many Keynesians who had never accepted the Phillips curve regarded its ‘ breakdown ’ as the long overdue come uppance of an uninvited and unwelcome intruder . )
25 Malta 's government decided last year to commemorate the 50th anniversary by issuing medals to all servicemen who served there .
26 The old woman 's son was one of the many prisoners who have subsequently died in the prison .
27 We were part of a group from many countries who went there in reply to an invitation from West African leaders .
28 The Iraqi government announced on March 1 , 1989 , that a general amnesty from legal proceedings would be granted to " all Iraqis who reside abroad and are involved in any political crime with the exception of the traitors Jalal al-Talabani and the agents of the Iranian regime [ a reference to the DPK ] " .
29 The fear and revulsion felt by such parents has been well documented by the many parents who have initially wanted their child to die , and then gone on to bring up and care for their mentally handicapped child .
30 He saw the counterculture as a desperate cry for help from the captured sons and daughters of the Evil One ; a cry , he feels , which went virtually unheeded by many Christians who saw only the law-breaking or iconoclasm and failed to see the spiritual hunger .
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