Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Except in a few cases it was pronounced a failure because of the need to use cheaper materials .
2 After a heart-stopping few minutes it was realized that it could be just squeezed through with about three-quarters of an inch to spare .
3 Within a few minutes it was adopted unanimously .
4 Gaining height rapidly , heading east , after a few minutes it was enveloped by clouds and lost to view . ’
5 By traditional I mean that it was founded on a growing interpretation of the past , not that tradition was swallowed hook , line and sinker — indeed , in some cases it was turned upside down — but always it was referred to , re-explained .
6 In general the quality of discussion and level of participation were highly praised but in some cases it was thought that staff , who were unfamiliar with validation , were unsure of their role in the event .
7 It was commonly held that the first lord to whom he had sworn fealty had the first call on his service ; but in some cases it was held that the richest fief gave the vassal his strongest obligation ; or again , that it depended on the circumstances , on which lord had the greatest need — a lord must be helped if he was fighting in self-defence , but his claim was less if he was fighting in someone else 's defence ; or the vassal might be expected to fight on both sides , that is to say , to provide troops for both armies .
8 In some cases it was going to take years .
9 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
10 After a few sessions it was becoming clear that Henry 's impact on the scheme was reciprocal .
11 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
12 In some areas it was reported that large numbers of troops had ben deployed to restore order .
13 Accreditation was not a concept that had gained currency in Britain at this time , and in developments over the next few years it was to receive a variety of interpretations in British further and higher education .
14 For the last few years it was held up by 20 players of outstanding international standard and we did not realise that technically we were dying ’ .
15 The roof of the Victorian section was not water-tight and in some places it was leaking like a sieve .
16 The opinions of staff and governors were sought and although there were some reservations it was decided that a questionnaire should be distributed to parents .
17 In some quarters it was suggested that the best solution would be to set up a government of ‘ national trustees ’ , headed by McKenna , who had deserted politics for banking and had not sat in ; Parliament since 1918 .
18 In some examples it was thought necessary to highlight important distinguishing features with arrows or emphatic shading .
19 After some moments it was opened by an elderly woman servant .
20 Under such circumstances it was programmed to select an orbit around the largest near planetary mass , emitting a distress signal until it was recovered .
21 With regard to such instruments it was said , ‘ A man can not increase the liabilities of his neighbour by applying his own property to special uses , whether for business or pleasure . ’
22 In both these cases it was held that the alternative of a manslaughter verdict ought to be left to the jury where the occasion justifies action in self-defence , or to prevent a crime , or to apprehend an offender , but where the defendant acts beyond the necessity of that occasion .
23 After these discussions it was decided to drop the Wolf e Tone Societies tag , and an ad hoc body was formed which organised a seminar on civil rights on 25 November 1966 in Belfast .
24 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
25 From these relationships it was established that total leakages ( T + S + M ) must equal total injections ( G + I + X ) .
26 Considered an essential item of diet in the days when hazardous voyages to the islands were made by the Ness men in their open sailing 'sgothan , these days it was sought after as more of a delicacy , in spite of its rather revolting appearance when cured .
27 On the basis of these developments it was decided to prepare a new , up-to-date universal chromatography nomenclature , which also takes into account the recommendations incorporated in the various other nomenclature systems developed since the original work of IUPAC .
28 In an action to recover these fees it was held that the registrar of the cemetery had no right to demand fees for recutting and repainting but that there being no suggestion that any unpleasant result would follow from non-payment the plaintiff must be taken to have paid voluntarily .
29 In those latter areas it was left to the Serb-speaking parish priests , many of whom were illiterate , to act as upholders of Serbian culture .
30 During the many years it was to remain at Scampton R5868 was maintained and also given the occasional coat of paint .
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