Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] and you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All you had to do here was to move back a few steps and you 've made it much more interesting in the foreground .
2 You leave school in a few weeks and you 've got to make yourself a living .
3 Add to this , expensive new headquarters developed as property prices tumbled , government intervention , a threat to its monopoly position and criticism from some customers and you have a difficult brew to drink .
4 I know , I think after Christmas I 'm gon na go and have a look for some dresses and you see when it was an ordinary colour I was gon na have ivory but now it 's this colour I think i 'll be better having having white , I do n't know .
5 Well Carole 's next door neighbour he owns a bit of land and he 's got some sheep in his fields , and he 's got some pigs and you know ?
6 Ie you choose a few players and you work out your result depending upon how those players did on saturday .
7 Sometimes there may be a timed section which is a few jumps and you have to go as fast as you can .
8 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
9 Help to prevent these conditions and you help to stop another Hitler or Stalin .
10 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
11 With nice hardwood and stainless steel boards and things er because people have access to these materials and you have chaps who are er good with their hands and can do it , make a plough for their son , that sort of thing .
12 And you through these courses and you got a certificate when you come out which er some of the said to us , a fully qualified member of a , so these advantages were open to us then you see ?
13 And you went on to these chairs and you went through a , a scenic part which showed you the roads of the future .
14 Now that 's , that 's a very interesting for a homeward bound commuter , you know , getting into the tube and you grab one of these papers and you read it and in fifteen minutes you get to Oakland fifty minutes , why turn on the news ?
15 And they used to take the gin and these pills and you know .
16 I 've had a long life and many blessings and you 've been one of the best .
17 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
18 The thing with me and with ‘ Crooksy ’ [ Garth Crooks , his friend ] as well is that , if you 're black in a small community where there are n't too many blacks and you 've got a little bit of stile , then you can not go wrong .
19 an used to be called metermarism and I say , it 's not a word it 's not a term I 've seen on for many many years and you do n't seen it many erm modern organic texts .
20 has n't any proper name like this cos these are private houses and estate are council houses but the built at top of was called the Old Plantation and the Old Plantation that 's when the first houses were built then of course when you er find the company first started which er Old Plantation is right opposite erm and when you came along past you then branched off to that 's all fields and you came down as far as and then you branched off to .
21 You collect these tokens for collect so many tokens and you get a free Corgi toy .
22 of course , when you get one of those calls and you divert it back to the switchboard or divert it direct to when you put the phone down pick it up and dial zero , so you put another call through to headquarters community affairs and its not through us
23 ‘ Then , unfortunately , after the baby is born you lose all those hormones and you look like hell ! ’
24 You 've got the first stanza which is four lines , has got five lines has four lines ca n't see straight the first stanza has one sentence and it ends at the end of the stanza but then you have one , two , three , four , five more stanzas and you do n't get a full stop until the last stanza half way through .
25 And after that it 's , it 's partly systematic , that you discover more organisations and you go and look for them , and it 's partly luck , that erm you drop into a library or you meet someone who says ‘ Oh , did you know that erm there are these papers in , in such and such a library ? ’
26 Walk on round to those cliffs and you come to what seem like utterly derelict sheds hanging on the edge of the precipice , stinking of goat : these are stacked with piles of skins for tanning , which goes on below in Brobdingnagian wooden barrels and enormous concrete troughs .
27 The realities of being in a situation where you ca n't choose your employment , which is an awful way to be when you do n't have any skills and you have to take whatever is dished out … there 's nothing worse than having to take what 's available .
28 Multiply me several times and you have a good idea of the sort of coverage this author of PN 's Trivial Pursuits column and Harvey Porlock of the Sunday Times will get .
29 And after that you 'd go to your own classes and you had a , a set er what did they call it ?
30 I find the best ideas come from when you 're not actually touching the guitar , otherwise your fingers fall into the same positions and you get stuck in ruts .
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