Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] and [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary have talked with housing authorities throughout the country in the past few weeks and we have been interested to find out that many local authorities have land banks which they are not prepared to make available to housing associations .
2 Add to this , expensive new headquarters developed as property prices tumbled , government intervention , a threat to its monopoly position and criticism from some customers and you have a difficult brew to drink .
3 I escaped with a few scars and I have no doubt that my greatest support was the knowledge that I was n't economically dependent on my family .
4 In the end , they did get some players and I have said I am pretty satisfied that the England players who went did n't go for money .
5 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
6 Sometimes there may be a timed section which is a few jumps and you have to go as fast as you can .
7 We have a very small range of such titles and we have no plans to expand it . ’
8 Health authorities in general can call on a wide range of hospital and other staff in the course of de-hospitalizing patients , they have enjoyed their own financial resources from which to fund such developments and they have had the lucky coincidence of a rapidly expanding private residential sector funded by the social security system .
9 I have lain awake all night waiting to get back to these words and I have now read them a dozen times .
10 ‘ She 's got these gaps and they have to be worked at .
11 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
12 We are in fewer businesses and we have leadership positions in them . ’
13 I therefore put it to him that he has really now er a definite choice , he can seek to resist most of these amendments and I have n't a slightest doubt they 'll be put into the Bill er the Bill will be drastically altered thereby er and when it goes back to another place nobody quite knows er wh what will happen to it , or he can use his very considerable powers of conciliation er by taking a little time for further consideration .
14 With nice hardwood and stainless steel boards and things er because people have access to these materials and you have chaps who are er good with their hands and can do it , make a plough for their son , that sort of thing .
15 MacNeill Weir in his " New Guide to Islay " says " There is no trace of carving on these stones and we have no clue to their significance " and I think that is still true .
16 ‘ I have contacted the Executive on behalf of people many times and they have told me they will do something about it .
17 In his youth he seemed to he involved with many sports and I have seen evidence of his playing goalkeeper for a select Scottish hockey team — on roller-skates .
18 I am sick of people arguing over their colour because it affects so many children and they have to suffer the consequences .
19 However , while I accept all those things and I have sympathy with those staff in the workload that they have to deal with , there are many ways that we could start to speed up the system .
20 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
21 The realities of being in a situation where you ca n't choose your employment , which is an awful way to be when you do n't have any skills and you have to take whatever is dished out … there 's nothing worse than having to take what 's available .
22 Multiply me several times and you have a good idea of the sort of coverage this author of PN 's Trivial Pursuits column and Harvey Porlock of the Sunday Times will get .
23 We now have our own ducks and they have nested and hatched their eggs , and a male moorhen and his family have been in residence for a couple of years .
24 erm and I also think that a lot of people are struggling with their own lives and they have n't got time to worry about other people .
25 Many have been homeless , not just for the past six months but for several years and they have been pushed from pillar to post within that area .
26 That means our customers are in a better position to serve their own customers and we have a greater opportunity to increase our share of their business .
27 I have read that report now on several occasions and I have its contents fully in mind , but I quote :
28 I have read the report of the guardian ad litem and such information as I have which would indicate her view of the local authority 's actions now on several occasions and I have to say that I do not understand what findings the justices believed that they were making or what reasons they were giving for their decision in that brief statement , which I have just quoted in full .
29 The procedure for job applications and interviews is well known to most returners and I have therefore assumed that you do not need detailed guidance on this .
30 The central point I want to make is the general one , not just about culling : namely , that there really are arguments on both sides and we have to do justice to the complexity of the problem .
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