Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] be that a " in BNC.

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1 The argument for saying that there should be liability in such circumstances is that a constable does not cease to have certain general duties because he happens to be ‘ off duty ’ for the time being .
2 The justification for protection in these circumstances is that a businessman who is willing to deal on the other party 's standard terms and conditions is probably unable to negotiate a special deal due to an inequality of bargaining power .
3 So the point erm I wish to make erm on er Mr 's observations , is that it 's not the strategy of the structure plan was not simply erm to seek an initial reduction erm in the rate of residential development in the county and then that roll that rate forward in progressive erm amendments to the structure plan , Hambleton District Council believes that the logical interpretation of these statements is that a progressive reduction er in house building and the rates of migration should be sought through subsequent alterations to the plan .
4 One conclusion from these results is that a linear technique , which satisfies none of these design attributes , should not be used .
5 So successful have these videos been that a partially self-supporting unit , NACAB Vision , has been formed which produces further training videos on a wider range of topics .
6 As the BSI 's Chris Sheldon , says : ‘ The challenge for many companies is that a new aspect of business life , the environment , is being entered on to the balance sheet for the first time .
7 The result over all wavelengths is that a fairly large view angle 65° ( measured from the vertical ) gives the best discrimination .
8 The consensus among most observers was that an inadequate , watered-down agreement had been accepted reluctantly by the conference for fear of completely alienating the United States .
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