Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 It is unlikely , but some creditors may yet have to sue for their money .
2 Some of the radioactive krypton isotopes with half-lives of a few hours may also have been released ( US NUREG-0558 , 1979 ) .
3 Some readers may therefore have identified them as the police officers referred to in our article of May 13 , 1986 .
4 Micritic carbonates such as those from mud build-ups and some calcretes may also have cryptic textures which can be revealed by gentle etching with a dilute acid ( e.g. 5% hydrochloric acid ) .
5 Primitive their house certainly was , with its earthen floor , mud walls , thatched roof and rude furniture ; but it was imbued by those two remarkable and lovable people with a warmth that few homes can ever have equalled .
6 This obligatory military involvement , though a burden which some clergy would willingly have evaded , was for others doubtless a proud duty or welcome excitement ; not many of those assembled actually saw battle , but their association with this medieval ‘ home guard ’ must surely have blurred the distinction between clergy and laymen , with ambiguous and some unfortunate results : more popular they may have been , but equally more vulnerable when sentiment turned , as it did , against both war and the clergy .
7 In free as well as in pauper apprenticeship corporal punishment was allowed within reason , and the treatment of the " chimney boys " was as notorious as that of the factory children , for in both cases youngsters were being consigned to labour in conditions in which few parents would willingly have placed them .
8 Over its last two decades , slight improvement in some areas may well have been offset by a measure of decline in industrialising areas like the west Midlands and south Lancashire .
9 It would create unfair trading as some buyers may already have reached their 90-claim limit .
10 And a bounce in the region 's economy over the next few years will soon have the city on the mend .
11 Swindle was too crude , for if the plan worked , no one would lose a penny ; all that would have happened was that a few banks would inadvertently have lent them money for an undefined period .
12 After four and a quarter years , some firms will already have had at least two visits and many in category 1 will be facing a second visit in the near future .
13 Some sacks will also have an extension at the top of the main compartment made from lighter fabric which is known as a snow lock .
14 Some patients may also have surgery which causes them fear , anxiety or grief ( e.g. surgery for malignant conditions , disfiguring surgery to face , mastectomy ) .
15 Some gorges may once have been underground caverns , the roofs of which have collapsed .
16 Something like the last few sentences must however have been at least a part of Tolkien 's intention .
17 Some diabetics may also have underlying familial forms of hypertriglyceridaemia per se ( Brunzell et al , 1979 ) .
18 He reviewed the changes made during his period as Soviet leader saying that " a totalitarian system which deprived the country of an opportunity to become wealthy and prosperous a long time ago has been liquidated " , and he expressed his hopes for the future : " Some mistakes could probably have been avoided , much been done better , but I am sure that sooner or later our shared efforts will achieve results . "
19 Some eels may then have discovered the richness of food to be found in estuaries and rivers and started spending the main part of their lives there .
20 Few mountaineers can ever have experienced more bitter frustration .
21 Some sculptors might well have been attracted to Aphrodisias by its superior marble supplies , and perhaps by commissions .
22 Some predators might also have a fairly regular path and type of approach , as well as an individual hunting style .
23 Retrospectively , therefore , some Minors might well have become later candidates for Major status .
24 Some practices may already have small departments , possibly of one partner and a fee earner , whose principal work is in the area of personal injury .
25 But such institutions could well have exercised a restraining influence on some groups of workers .
26 Such meetings will also have a social function , bringing agents together for a few days to exchange ideas , discuss common problems and be made to feel part of the company .
27 Exposure to teaching by other staff might also increase motivation in those nurses who do not themselves normally participate in teaching , and such improvements may also have financial benefits in the longer term through overall increases in efficiency .
28 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
29 The important thing to note is that such words will only have a value charge as part of their standard meaning , if the users of the language mostly have a certain shared attitude to what answers to the descriptive meaning .
30 There was probably no ( easy ) alternative to the use of temporary workers ; and if they were to be employed , at least such workers should otherwise have the same rights as regular workers .
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